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Special Ed Advocate Archives: 2013

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The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter from Wrightslaw. The newsletter provides accurate, up-to-date information about special education legal and advocacy issues. Our goal is to help readers navigate the confusing world of special education and get quality services for children with disabilities. Mission.

The 2013 Archives includes links to all issues of The Special Ed Advocate newsletter and Alerts published this year. To read issues published since April 1998, please visit the
Newsletter Archives.

January 8, 2013 - 2012 Progress Report...and a Thank You Note! Wrightslaw Annual Progress Report; Top 10s for 2012: Articles, Topics, Cases, and Blog Posts.

January 15, 2013 - Answering Your Requests for Help. Find Help in Your State; Get a Free Listing on the Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities; User Guide: Learn How to Build Your Team; Help Others! Distribute Flyers for the Yellow Pages in your State.

January 22, 2013 - Smart Parent Advocacy: Asking Questions to Identify Solutions. What Works? How Will I Get the Services My Child Needs?; Ask Questions: Get Services; Don't Feel Guilty About Asking Questions; Learn to Ask the Right Questions at a Wrightslaw Training Conference.

January 29, 2013 - Transition: Planning for "Life". Transition Checklists: Transition Plan Components; Legal Requirements of Transition Plans; IEPs and Transition Planning; Preparing for the Workforce: Vocational Goals.

February 5, 2013 - Alert! Institute of Special Education Advocacy (ISEA) at William and Mary Law School. Registration Open.

February 12, 2013 - College & Continuing Education: Good Choices for Kids with LD. What Colleges are Best for Kids with LD?; IEPs Don't Follow Your Child Into College; Transition to Life After High School; College Accommodations: What are My Child's Rights?

February 19, 2013 - Response to Intervention (RTI): Eligibility for a Child with SLD. RTI Should Not Delay an Evaluation; The Legal Definition of Specific Learning Disability (SLD).

February 26, 2013 - Response to Intervention: Is Your Child "Trapped" in RTI? What To Do if Your are Stuck in RTI Purgatory?; Pete Wright Explains the Law about RTI; A Parents' Guide to RTI.

March 5, 2013 - Assessment: What Is It? Who Does It? An Overview of Testing and Evaluation; What To Expect from an Evaluation; Why Parents Should Get a Comprehensive Evaluation; What Does IDEA Say about Evaluations?

March 12, 2013 - Assessment 101: Common Types of Assessment. Different Types of Assessment: Who Does Them?; Most Commonly Used Tests of Reading; What You Should Know About School Evaluations; Think Spring! SALE 25% Off, ends March 13.

March 19, 2013 - Assessment 101: How Do You Choose a Good Evaluator? Choosing a Skilled Evaluator; Parents Ask: Can We Get an Independent Evaluation by an Evaluator of Our Choice?; Mistakes Independent Evaluators Should Avoid!; Reports from Evaluators: Should Parents Provide a Copy to the School?

March 26, 2013 - Graphing Evaluation Data: A Skill Parents MUST Master. Measuring Progress: Understanding Your Child's Test Scores; Graphing Evaluation Data: A Skill All Parents Must Master; Learn How to Use Statistics to Measure Change; What is Your Bell Curve IQ?

April 2, 2013 - What's So Important about Present Levels in the IEP? Present Levels - Needs - Goals: What's So Important about this Relationship?; Is Your PLOP a Flop?; Present Levels are a Critical Part of the IEP; Present Levels and Appropriate Placement.

April 9, 2013 - IEP Content? Goals? Services? Help! New IEP Pop-Up: Understanding the Basics of Developing Your Child's IEP; Now What? Are We Stuck With the IEP the Team Developed?; More IEP FAQs.

April 16, 2013 - IEP Checklist: Is Your Child's IEP Really Individualized? Individualized IEPs: What Does it Take?; Who's on the Team?; Get it Together for Your Next IEP Meeting; The Model IEP Form: Specific & Individualized.

April 23, 2013 - The Lowdown on Gearing Up For Summer Camp. Having Fun-Building Skills-Making Friends; Finding the Right Camp; Bridging the Gap with Reading; DIY: Finding a Summer Tutor or Program; Summer Reading for Parents in the Advocate's Bookstore.

April 30, 2013 - Negotiating for Extended School Year (ESY) Services. Does Your Child Qualify for ESY Services but the School Says "No"?; Having a Hard Time Getting ESY Answers from the School?; Did You Know? ESY is not Limited to Summer Months; Overcoming Roadblocks to ESY.

May 7, 2013 - Effective Strategies: Should We Sue the School? Should We Litigate? Should We Sue the School? File a State Complaint Under IDEA; Read the Rules of Adverse Assumptions in Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, Chapter 21.

May 14, 2013 - Alert! Legislative Advocacy: Restraint & Seclusion. This issue provides information about the Keeping All Students Safe Act HR 1893, a bill to protect all students nationwide from restraint and seclusion.

May 21, 2013 - Parent Power at IEP Meetings! Your Role? An Active Participant in the IEP Process; Do Not Give Away Your Decision-Making Authority at IEP Meetings!; Play Hearts, Not Poker! 8 Steps to Better IEP Meetings; Parents are NOT Part of the IEP Team...Say What!?

May 28, 2013 - Is Your Child's IEP Good to Go for Next Year? Did the IEP Team Consider Special Factors in the IEP? Get the Special Factors Pop-Up; Is Your Child's IEP Good to Go for Next Year?; SMART IEPs: We'll Walk You Through It!; Your Goal: Get the School to the IEP Table, Not Due Process.

June 4, 2013 - What You Need to Know Before Filing a Complaint. Filing Complaint: Tactics & Tips; How Can I File a Section 504 Complaint?; How Do You Control the Outcome of Your Complaint?; IDEA 2004 Regulations: State Complaint Procedures.

June 11, 2013 - Meeting Your Child's Unique Needs - It's the Law! Kids with Life-Threatening Allergies; Purpose of IDEA is Your Mission Statement; Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition; Kids with Special Dietary Needs.

June 18, 2013 - Meeting Your Child's Unique Needs (Part 2) - It's the Law! Checklist: Is Your Child's IEP Meeting His Unique Needs? Does Your Child Have Social Skills Needs?; Kids with Behavior Problems.

June 25, 2013 - Top 5: Topics - Articles - Blog Posts. What's getting the most attention on Wrightslaw? This issue has links to the five most popular topics, articles, and blog posts in the last six months.

July 2, 2013 - New Case! Doug C. v Hawaii: Parent Participation at IEP Meetings. Analysis of Doug C. v Hawaii; Critical Questions Answered about Parent Participation at IEP Meetings; Court Considers the Purposes of IDEA; Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition.

July 16, 2013 - Summer School 2013: Session 1. So You Want to be an Advocate? Who Can Be an Advocate? What Do Advocates Do?; Learn from the Experts: Ask the Advocates; Becoming an Advocate-Becoming an Expert; Session 1: Homework Checklist; Hot Links: Advocacy Resource Directory.

July 30, 2013 - So You Want to be an Advocate? What You Need to Learn. What You Need to Learn; What Training is Required; Pitfalls: What You Should Avoid; Advocates is Action - LIVE Blogging from ISEA 2013.

August 13, 2013 - So You Want to be an Advocate? Hone Your Advocacy Skills! Expose Yourself to Advocacy Opportunities; Practice Your Advocacy Skills; Become a More Effective Advocate: Train. Train. Train; Homework Checklist for Session 3.

August 27, 2013 - So You Want to be an Advocate? What a Good Advocate Looks Like. 10 Tips for Good Advocates; From Victim to Might Advocate; Tools for Advocates; Download Your Certificate.

Summer School 2013: Parts 1-4. Summer School is a refresher course in effective advocacy techniques that will include a series of activities (and maybe an assignment or two) to help you prepare for the next school year.

In this four part series you will:

  • get the basics of becoming a special education advocate
  • read what advocates do to improve the lives of children with disabilities and their families
  • find out what training and certification, if any, is required
  • learn where and how advocates train

September 10, 2013 - Your Back to School Checklist. Download the Back to School Checklist; Catch Up on New Legal Developments; Your Back to School Resource and Special Education Survival Guide; Get a Positive Start This School Year.

September 17, 2013 - Another Year - But NOT Just Another IEP. Improving IEP Outcomes; Tactics & Strategies for Getting SMART IEPs; Don't Miss the Back to School SALE, Ends September 18; Tips & Tricks for Getting Effective IEPs; Is Your Child's IEP Adequate? Sufficient? Enough?

September 24, 2013 - Case of the Year: Parent Participation in the IEP. Failing to Include a Parent at the IEP Meeting Violates IDEA; Pete Walks You Through the Case Ruling; IEP Team Meetings: The Excusal Rule; Poll: Required IEP Team Members.

October 1, 2013 - New! IEP Pop-Up: Resolving IEP Disputes. Options for Resolving Disputes; What to Do When the School Doesn't Respond; Common Issues in IEP Disputes; Effective IEP Teams - Reality or Impossible Dream?

October 8, 2013 - Can I Write on the IEP? ...a More IEP FAQs. Can I Write on the IEP?; When Must the IEP Team Develop a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)?; What Does the Law Require?; What Do I Need to Know About IDEA and IEPs?

October 15, 2013 - When the School Says Dyslexia is not a Learning Disability... In Need of Special Ed But the School Won't Recognize Dyslexia?; Decoding Dyslexia Day with Pete Wright; A Student With Dyslexia: The Jarron Draper Case; Special Ed Law Lists Dyslexia as a Learning Disability.

October 22, 2013 - Drafting Due Process Claims & State Complaint. Writing the Due Process Complaint Letter or State Complaint; Using State Complaint Provisions under IDEA; USDOE Guidance: State Complaint Procedures; Requesting Due Process: Sample Letters.

October 29, 2013 - Can My Child Be Punished for Not Meeting Her IEP Goals? Can A Child Be Punished for Not Meeting IEP Goals?; Are These Good IEP Goals?; Can My Child's IEP Include Sports and Clubs?; SMART IEPs for Behavior Problems.

November 5, 2013 - What Can I Do if My Child is Bullied? Bullying, Confidentiality, and Discipline: Who's the Victim?; Social Skills Training: When Peers Avoid & Tease; US DOE Guidance on Bullying; What Works (and doesn't work) in Bullying Prevention and Intervention

November 12, 2013 - Saluting Our Military Families. PCS Moves and Comparable IEPs video; A Must Read! Legal Issues: Military Families with Special Needs; 12 Things Military Parents Should Know; IDEA Requirements When Military Children Move; Military Discount in the Wrightslaw Store.

November 19, 2013 - Can the School Expel my Child with LD? Discipline of Children with Special Needs; Can the School Expel my Son? Behavior Problems and IEPs; What You Need to Know About Suspending Kids from School.

November 26, 2013 - Trending Now: The Top 5 Blog Posts. In this issue you will find a roundup of the top 5 posts on the Wrightslaw Way. Happy Thanksgiving.

December 3, 2013 - Discipline Issues: Manifestation Determination Review - Your Last Best Chance? "How-To" Handle an MDR; Behavior Problems: What are Schools Required to Do?; IDEA Rights: Suspension or Expulsion; Caselaw: When Schools May Not Expel Children.

December 10, 2013 - 1 to 1 Aides: Be Careful What You Wish For. Parent Volunteers are Not Subs for a Trained Teacher; How to Request a 1 to 1 Aide; Aides v. Parapros v. Highly-Qualified Teachers; Requesting a Parapro Not an Aide.

December 17, 2013 - How Much Training is Required for a Classroom Aide? Using a Parapro to Educate a Child with Autism; Using an Aide to Support LRE in the General Classroom; Want an Aide? Learn How to Negotiate with the Schoo;l Can We Write our Parapro's Name in the IEP?

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