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Newsletter Archives - 1998

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The Wrightslaw Libraries contain hundreds of articles, cases, Letters to Wrightslaw, and newsletters.  The Advocacy Libraries are divided into four areas: 

The 1998 Archives includes 21 newsletters. Please download, print and read them.

December 16, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 21). New Books and Music in Advocate's Bookstore; the Matthew Effect; Letter-Writing Strategies. 

December 8, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 20). WARNING! Feds Threaten to Cut Off Funds from New York, New Article "View from the Top: How Principals View Learning Problems," Karen asks "Where Are the Regs?"

December 3, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 19). Decision in Collinsgru v. Palmyra Bd. Educ., Letters about Doe v. Withers and Expulsion; IDEA 97 and Discipline.

November 19, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 18). Special Issue on Mediation. Seven Steps to Effective Mediation from TRIAL; Links; More Books & Resources about Mediation. 

November 13, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 17). Complaint and Jury Order in Doe v. Withers; letters from parent attorneys Bill Byrne and Paul Erickson; Garett F. attended oral argument at U. S. Supreme Court. 

November 5, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 16). U. S. Supreme Court hears Oral Argument in Cedar Rapids v Garret F. School district appealed 8th Circuit in favor of child. 8th Circuit decision added to Law Library. 

November 3, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 15). Letters to Wrightslaw: "Why Are My Child's IQ Scores Dropping? What is the "Matthew Effect?"  "The IEP team won't include scores from a new evaluation by a private sector expert. Do IQ scores belong in the IEP?? 

October 26, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 14) Learning Problems at School - Whose Fault Is It? Our First "We Are Not Making This Up Award." NEW CASES- From First Circuit (tuition reimbursement, attorneys fees), Fifth Circuit (prevailing party, attorneys fees). Due Process Hearing at Erik's Page.

October 10, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 13). Letter to Wrightslaw from Kate who asks how she can get the school district to provide her son with an appropriate education; the new decision in Bartlett v. New York Bar; book recommendations from Special Ed Advocates in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Minnesota. 

September 17, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 12). 8th Circuit Decision in Westendorp v. Wedl ; 2nd Circuit Rules That Bar Must Provide Accommodations in Bartlett v. NY State Board of Law Examiners ; Frequently Asked Questions and Standards of Practice for Mediation.

September 8, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 11) . Advocate's Bookstore opens; letter from Dave who asks "Lovaas v. TEACCH?," Mr. X. v. New York City decision (autism, ABA/Lovaas case); information about mediation.

August 17, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 10). The Special Ed Advocate Bookstore; Minnesota Attorney Sonja Kerr and Pete Wright express concerns about mediation; "The I.D.E.A. Book: The Special Education Law and How to Use It;" Maps and Photos from wrightslaw-dot-com.

July 24, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 9) . MEDIATION - What IS mediation? How Does it Work? Sixth Circuit's decision in Peck v. Lansing; Letters to Wrightslaw from Debbie who requested a due process hearing about placement; Jim and Mary who are going to mediation.

July 13, 1998 (Vol. 1, No. 8) - IDEA Regs Delayed Again; Update on the Missouri ABA/Lovaas case; our new slide show - how to use visual aids to show educational progress or regression.

July 1, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 7)    A slide show on how to create graphs of educational progress; Evans v. Rhinebeck (FAPE; tuition reimbursement; dyslexia); Lawyer v. Chesterfield (ESY services for a child with autism); a Letter from James Brody about what it was like to attend his own due process hearing; analysis of "Reading Recovery - The Claims v. The Facts"

June 16, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 6)   - "Tactics and Strategy Session: Writing IEP Goals and Objectives;" new cases -11th Circuit Decision in Weiss v. Hillsborough School District and 2nd Circuit decision in Walszak v. Florida Union Free School District; NEW Letters to Wrightslaw. 

June 11, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 5)   - Tactics and Strategy Session: IEPs; importance of disabilities organizations; "To Promote or Retain;" Education for the Deaf Act; Homework Assignment for Parents.

June 6, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 4)  - "The Inside Story of the $600,000 Verdict" by Laura Whiteside; $133,000 Settlement to Missouri parents in ABA-Autism case; decision in Muller v. East Islip Union Free School (2nd Circuit); Yankton v. Schramm (8th Circuit); News Update on COPAA; How to find good special ed programs when you move. 

May 28, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 3)   -  The Art of Writing Letters; the Letter to the Stranger in the Brody case; two hit articles, Emergency! Crisis! Help! and  From Emotions to Advocacy; Law Search Tips; IEP Tips; Letter to Bobbie about raising the ADHD child; Letter from Rose about mistakes parents make.

May 22, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 2)  - Revising Our Site; IDEA 97 Becomes Political Football; Does Your Child's IEP Comply with IDEA 97? Guest Contributer Sonja Kerr offers advice to the lawyer who is handling his or her first special ed case; ESY case Reusch v. Fountain; Update on IDEA 97; International Dyslexia Association.

April 21, 1998 (Vol. I, No. 1) - Highlights of IDEA 97; IEPs and the NEW Proposed Appendix C; 2 New Damages Cases - Different Outcomes; Whitehead v. Hillsborough; Sellers v. Manassas; LD Online;IEP Meetings and Effective IEP Teams.

For the statute, federal regulations, and selected cases, go to The Law Library.
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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition by Pete and Pam Wright
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Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
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Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
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