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Related services is the term for those services, a child with a disability, as defined in IDEA, needs in order to benefit from special education. It is also available pursuant to Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act. In IDEA, see 20 USC Section 1401(26) and 34 CFR 300.34. This regulation provides a detailed list of many such services. Section 504 mandates related services in 34 CFR Section 104.33(b)(1).

Related services include speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and rehabilitation counseling are related services. Transportation to school is a related service. (See page 54-55, Wrightslaw: Special Education Law) C
ompare this term to "supplementary aids and services" (page 55 of Wrightslaw: Special Education Law).

Related services and supplementary services may include one-to-one tutoring or remediation in reading, writing, spelling and arithmetic skills. The child does not have to be placed in a special education class to receive tutoring or remediation.

FAQs & Introductory Articles

FAQs: Related Services. What are related services? Who is eligible? How do we know what related services a child needs? Do parents have to pay for related services? Who provides related services? How are these services delivered and coordinated? Funded?

Definitions: Related Services. Children with disabilities are entitled to special education and related services. Learn more about related services.

When IEP Services are NOT Delivered. Parent Attorney Robert Crabtree explains steps to taketo enforce the IEP and to obtain compensatory services to make up when services are not delivered under an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP).

School Says "No Related Services on the IEP!" Find out what the law really says when the school board tells a parent they cannot put related services or related services goals on the IEP, and providers cannot attend IEP meetings.

New! Children with Hearing Loss Need an Educational Audiologist on their Education Team. Educational audiology is a related service under IDEA. If your child has a hearing loss and is on an IEP, they should have access to an Educational Audiologist. To make sure this service happens, write educational audiology into your child’s IEP.

Can the School Exclude Related Services Providers from IEP Meetings? Related service providers should be included on the child’s team when a particular related service will be discussed - find out what OSEP says.

Do You Know Who is Providing Your Child's Speech-Language Therapy? Find information and resources from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) including Guidelines for SLPAs; Guidelines for Supervision of Assistants, Guidelines for Informing Clients, ASHA State Pages, and more resources.

Do You Know Who is Providing Your Child's Speech-Language Therapy - Blog Discussion Part 1? If your child’s IEP says speech therapy services will be provided by a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP), this is legally correct and legitimate. If your child’s IEP says speech language services will be provided by “SLP/Staff,” your child may receive speech therapy from an untrained, unlicensed individual.

Do You Know Who is Providing Your Child's Speech-Language Therapy - Blog Discussion Part 2? If you thought we questioned SLPAs, their abilities, and qualifications, not so. But, there are areas of concern for parents to conside. Learn where to find ASHA Guidelines and the importance of checking your state regulations and requirements.

Giving Up? Discontinuing Services Due to "No Improvement?" Before agreeing to discontinue a service, get an OT and/or PT evaluation by an independent expert in the private sector. Ask the evaluator to attend the next IEP meeting with you.

Making Up Missed Services. My child has reading, speech and OT in her IEP.  How many times a month are the therapist’s “allowed” to miss a session?There is nothing in IDEA or the federal regulations about “missing services.”

Interpreter as Teacher? Not in IDEA. Interpreters are not teachers. It is ridiculous that an IEP team would design an education plan that does not specify a teacher.

Find answers to your questions about Related Services on the Community HELPLine. More Answers.

In-Depth Articles

OSEP Dear Colleague Letter, 07/06/15 - Speech-language Pathologists at IEP/Eligibility Meetings. OSEP ddresses concerns about speech-language services for children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), clarifying requirements of the IDEA related to the provision of services for children with disabilities, including children with ASD [including infants and toddlers in Part C with IFSPs]. Clarification of OSEP's concern that SLPs and other appropriate profesionals may not be included in evaluation and eligibility determinations.

How to Request a One-to-One Aide for Your Child. Parent attorney Wayne Steedman provides advice about aides and a game plan that includes evaluations and observations of the child. This article includes new NCLB requirements about education, training and duties of paraprofessionals.

Related Services: A Closer Look. This comprehensive article describes all related services available under the IDEA; includes resources, references, links to organizations.

Congress Intended to Open Door to All Qualified Children. U. S. Supreme Court decision in Cedar Rapids v. Garret F. clarifies that schools must provide related services whenever necessary for children to attend school.

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Cedar Rapids v. Garret F. (1999) Case about child who needed related services to attend school; decided in 1999; analysis of Cedar Rapids v. Garret F.

Cedar Rapids v. Garret F
.  U. S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit. This case on behalf of a child who needed related services to attend school was heard by the  U. S. Supreme Court; download Supreme Court decision

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Last updated: 5/19/2021

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