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Virginia Special Education

VDOE l Regulations l Parent Training & Information l Legislative Advocacy l Fact Sheets l News l IDEA Money Watch - VA

Virginia Department of Education

New! Virginia Family Special Education Connection provides a one-stop-shop for parents, families and caregivers of children with special needs.

Special Education and Student Services

Special Education Laws, Regulations, and Policies

Contact Information

Directory of Local Special Education Directors

State Special Education Advisory Committee

Guidelines for Managing Student Behaviors In Emergency Situations in Virginia Public Schools Focusing on Physical Restraint and Seclusion (Revised Sept 2009).

Report on Seclusion and Restraint Policies in VA Public Schools (April 2009). ODR/AS contacted each Virginia public school division to determine whether local school divisions had adopted local policies or procedures implementing VDOE’s guidance document on physical restraint and seclusion.  As a part of this inquiry, VDOE was asked to ascertain the rationale of the school divisions that had not adopted such policies.

Physical Restraint and Seclusion in Virginia’s Public Schools. Supplemental Report (July 2009), Special Education and Student Services, Office of Dispute Resolution & Administrative Services. 81 LEAs (61.4%) in VA provide training on the use of restraint and seclusion and 51 LEAs (38.6%) do not. The report contains lists of those school divisions that provide training and those that do not.

Special Education Regulations

Final Special Education Regulations effective 2010. (8VAC20-81)

History of the Revision Process for VA Special Education Regulations, April 28, 2008 - July 7, 2009.

IEPs and Instructional Services

Your Family's Special Education Rights: VA Procedural Safeguards Notice (Revised 2013)

Parent Training and Information

Parent Resource Guide. Celebrating Special Children. Guide for Families of Children with Special Needs in the Commonweath of Virginia. Quarterly Newsletters.

New! Parents Guide to Special Education (Revised 2010)

Information for Parents and Students

Parent Resource Centers in Local School Divisions

Virginia Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (statewide)
100 N. Washington St., Suite 234
Falls Church, VA 22046
800-869-6782 in VA
Fax: 800-693-3514

PELE Initiative, Special Education Advocacy Clinic at William and Mary Law School. The clinic is designed to assist children with special needs, and their families, with Individualized Education Program (IEP) eligibility or meetings, discipline matters, mediation, and administrative hearings.

Law students offer their services to families at no charge and conduct a free training class each semester to offer tools and information to parents. Families interested in learning more about assistance offered by the Special Education Advocacy Clinic may call (757)221-3780 or email for more information.

Training and Parent Support Groups

Virginia Parent Support Groups from PEATC.

Training Advocates to Step Up to Leadership Roles. Become a Partner in Policymaking. Do you want to be a more knowledgeable and effective advocate for your own or your child’s rights?  Join a statewide corps of Virginians active in public discussions of policies and practices affecting people with disabilities.

Myth: ESY is just about regression and recoupment! Learn the basics, the VA Regulations, and Caselaw about ESY from Patty Roberts, Director, William and Mary's Law School Special Education Advocacy Clinic PELE.

video"Keeping Your Child's IEP on Track" Available as a PDF and as a Powerpoint file.

video"Maximizing the Sucess of Your Child's IEP" See the slide show

"Mythbusters: A Workshop for Families of Children with Special Needs" See the slide show and PDF Handouts.

Information, Fact Sheets, and Reports

Assessment of Services For Virginians With Autism Spectrum Disorders. Report of the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission To the Governor and The General Assembly of Virginia, House Document No. 8 2009.

Specific Disability Information

Developmental Delay
Why was the age of eligibility for the category, developmental delay, changed from ages 2 through 9, inclusive to 2 through 6, inclusive?

Intellectual Disability
Why was the disability category Mental Retardation changed to intellectual Disability?

Response to Intervention (RtI) Parent Notification

Transition Services - Plan Early for Best Results

Multiple Disabilities

IDEA Money Watch for Virginia

Here’s where you’ll find information about the impact of sequestration on federal funding for the IDEA in Virginia. Frequently Asked Questions on sequestration, IDEA, and the impact on education funding.

Follow IDEA Money Watch for Virginia. Virginia will receive $281,415,033 in IDEA Part B Recovery Funds to improve services to its 151,651 school age students with disabilities. The Virginia DOE has provided its school districts with guidance on use of these funds.

IDEA Money Watch has state-by-state blogs that report on use of funds and provide information and resources. State IDEA Facts provides quick data look-up on special education students and IDEA funds going to each state.

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Virginia Special Education: In the News

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Last revised: 02/13/15
Created: 11/24/09

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