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Special Ed Advocate Archives: 2018

The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter from Wrightslaw. The newsletter provides accurate, up-to-date information about special education legal and advocacy issues. Our goal is to help readers navigate the confusing world of special education and get quality services for children with disabilities. Mission.

The 2018 Archives includes links to all issues of The Special Ed Advocate newsletter and Alerts published this year. To read issues published since April 1998, please visit the
Newsletter Archives.

January 9, 2018 - 2017 Progress Report...and a Thank You Note! Progress Report; Top 10 Articles; Top 10 Topics; Top 10 Cases; Top 10 Blog Posts.

January 16, 2018 - It's 2018: Don't Panic! Get a Crisis Management Plan! Crisis! Emergency! Help!; Resolving Disputes with the IEP Team; Are You "Mike Manners" or "Bob Bombastic"?; Don't Let Disagreements Escalate into Power Struggles.

January 23, 2018 - New Pop-Up! Assessing Reading Difficulties & Disabilities. New Pop-Up! Assessing Reading Difficulties & Disabilities; Ask the Evaluator: Teacher Resources for Dyslexia Screening; A Student with Dyslexia: The Jarron Draper Case; Wrightslaw: All About Tests & Assessments, 2nd Edition.

January 30, 2018 - When the Stakes are High - Avoid Unnecessary Mistakes! Mistakes Schools Make; Mistakes Parents Make; Mistakes Advocates Make; Mistakes Independent Evaluators Make.

February 6, 2018 - Great Strategy? Asking Questions! Learn to Ask questions, Get Services; 5 Ws +H + E Questions; The IEP and the Art of Asking Questions; Tactics & Strategy: Learning the Rules of the Game.

February 13, 2018 - William & Mary Law School Institute of Special Education Advocacy (ISEA), July 29 - August 3, 2018. Registration is Open. Early applications are recommended. Get all the details and download the application.

February 20, 2018 - 6 Steps to a SMART Start This Year: Understanding Parent Rights. How to Use IDEA to Improve Your Child's Special Education Program; The Right to FAPE - What is it?; IDEA: Learn What the Law Says; Make a Compelling Case to Your Child's IEP Team.

February 27, 2018 - 6 Steps to a SMART Start This Year: Reviewing Educational Records. Reviewing & Requesting School Records; Requesting Agency Records; Sample Letters: How to Request Information; The Right to Review Your Child's Records.

March 6, 2018 - 6 Steps to a SMART Start This Year: Time to Organize Your Child's File. Document Management System Rules; The Paper Chase: What Documents are Keepers?; IEP Tote Kit: Get Organized Before your Next IEP Meeting; Success Story: What Organizing the File Can Do!

March 13, 2018 - 6 Steps to a SMART Start This Year: What You Should Know About Evaluations. Does the Law Require the School to Test Your Child?; What You Should Know About Evaluations; Comprehensive Evaluations - Roadmap to the Future; Wrightslaw: All About Tests & Assessments - On Sale Now!

March 20, 2018 - 6 Steps to a SMART Start This Year: Why SMART Goals in the IEP are so Important! Game Plan : Getting to SMART!; What's Your Target? SMART IEP Goals; How Do You Write IEP Goals & Objectives?; SMART IEPs for Behavior Problems.

March 27, 2018 - 6 Steps to a SMART Start This Year: Parent Preparation & Input. Failing to Include a Parent Violates IDEA; Parents are Not Members of the IEP Team...Say What!?; Law & Regulations: Parent Participation; Your Written Opinion: The IEP Meeting from YOUR Viewpoint.

April 3, 2018 - Day Camps / Sleep-Aways / Camps for Mil Kids. Youth Programs & Summer Camps; Summer Reading Can Bridge the Gap; Find the Right Camp; What's in Your Beach Bag?

April 10, 2018 - Free Listing! Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities. Free Listings on the Yellow Pages; Time to Update Your Current Listing; Yellow Pages for Kids Users Guide; Why Advertise @ Yellow Pages for Kids?

April 17, 2018 - The Columbo Strategy and How to Use It! How I Got ESY Services After the School Said "No!"; Cry for Help, or Reality Check?; Dynamics of Dealing with Difficult People; Miss Manners or Bob Bombastic?

April 24, 2018 - IEP FAQs. Struggling During Recess? Address PBIS in the IEP; Why, When, and How Can I revise the IEP?; More FAQs in All About IEPs; Can the IEP Include Parent & Teacher Training?

May 1, 2018 - U.S. Code & Code of Federal Regulations: What's the Difference? What's the Difference U.S.C. and CFR?; IDEA 2004; Get Your Copy of the Code & Federal Regulations; Glossary of Special Education and Legal Terms; Take the Quiz.

May 8, 2018 - Teachers as Advocates - Teacher Appreciation Week. Saving a Class, Saving our Children; I'm a Teacher, and I Know IEPs are NOT Being Followed; Saying Thank You to Those Who Help; Learning About Advocacy in Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy.

May 15, 2018 - Moms Rock! "Give This Mom Whatever She Wants!"; How I Won a Private Placement; Mom, City Schools Never Gave Up...; Play Hearts, Not Poker (8 Steps to Better IEP Meetings).

May 22, 2018 - Saluting our Military Families on Memorial Day. Case Update: MN v. School Board City of VA Beach; Military & DoD Special Education; Comparable IEPs for Military Kids; Camps for Mil Kids / Summer Reading.

June 5, 2018 - Decisive Parent Win! Timothy O. v. Paso Robles Coming Soon! Legal Developments & Cases 2017. School's Failure to Evaluate Denies FAPE; A Well Written Decision; Coming Soon! Wrightslaw: Legal Developments & Cases 2017.

June 19, 2018 - For Parents: Doing Your Homework. Can the School Terminate my Child's Eligibility for Special Ed?; Reading is Not "One Size Fits All"; Can a School Retain a Student Because of Health Needs?; Homework is in the Bag with the Wrightslaw Tote.

June 26, 2018 - The Top 5: Articles, Topics, Blog Posts. What's getting the most attention on Wrightslaw? This issue has links to the five most popular articles, topics, and blog posts in the last six months.

July 3, 2018 - Special Education Topics: Quick Picks Summer 2018. Do I Have the Right to Observe My Child's Classroom?; My Child's Teacher Does not Know Him - What Can I Do?; Must Teachers Provide ALL Accommodations in the IEP?; Can't Travel? Train at Home.

July 17, 2018 - Does Your Child Need a 1 to 1 Aide? How to Request a One-to-One Aide; Requesting a Parapro, Not an Aide; IDEA: Ensuring Personnel Skills & Knowledge...; Parent Volunteers are NOT a Substitute for Trained Teacher.

July 27, 2018 - Alert! New at Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2017. Pre-Publication Offer, available today.

August 14, 2018 - Pre-Publication Offer Extended! Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2017. Offer ends tomorrow, August 15!

August 21, 2018 - Angry at the School? Turn Your Emotions to Advocacy! - Help Parents Move Beyond their Emotions - to Advocacy; Catch up on Summer School; Register for a Wrightslaw Training; Get Your Special Ed Survival Guide.

August 24, 2018 - ALERT! Mainstreaming (LRE) & FAPE in 2018: L.H. v. Hamilton County Department of Education. If you are interested in special education legal issues, read the analysis of L.H. v. Hamilton County Department of Education, a wide-ranging decision about FAPE, LRE, parental rights, school culture, and tuition reimbursement issued by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit on August 20, 2018.

August 28, 2018 - Watch Your Inbox! We're Updating our List! We're cleaning house! This summer, we've been cleaning up our subscriber's list for the Special Ed Advocate Newsletter. Over the next few weeks we will update the list. Caution! We don't want to lose you as a valued subscriber.

September 4, 2018 - Last Call! Check your Inbox! Back to School Series Begins Next Week. We're cleaning up our email list! All changes will be completed this week, by September 7, 2018. We don't want to lose you as a valued subscriber! Caution! Next week, if you can no longer find us in your inbox, but still want to hear from us, you will need to take action. Please re-subscribe.

September 11, 2018 - Back to School Session 1: Mistakes People Make - Parents. Mistakes Parents Make; Parents Should take Complaints - Not Someone on their Behalf; Do's & Don'ts of Parent Advocacy; Homework Assignment: Submit a Parent Agenda.

September 18, 2018 - Back to School Session 2: Mistakes People Make - Advocates. Mistakes People Make: Advocates; Become a More Effective Advocate; 10 Tips for Good Advocates; Homework Assignment: Advocacy Checklist.

September 25, 2018 - Back to School Session 3: Mistakes People Make - Independent Evaluators. Mistakes Independent Evaluators Make; Selecting a Skilled Evaluator; All About Tests and Assessments; Homework Assignment: Take the Quiz.

October 2, 2018 - Back to School Session 4: Mistakes People Make - School Districts. Mistakes School Districts Make; How Schools Can Avoid Confrontation with Parents; Resolving Parent-School Disputes; Why Do Schools Draw Lines in the Sand?; Download your Certificate.

Back to School Series Sessions 1 - 4

October 9, 2018 - Evaluations: Why Tests & Assessments Matter! Assessments Will Answer These Questions...; Using Tests to Uncover Learning Problems; How Do I Request a Multifactored Evaluation?; IDEA 2004: The Law about Evaluations.

October 16, 2018 - New! Parent Checklist: Tests & Measurements. Download (PDF) & Complete the Checklist; Graphing Evaluation Data - A Skill All Parents Must Master!; Understanding Your Child's Test Scores.

October 23, 2018 - New! Cool Tools from Wrightslaw. Cool Advocacy Tools!; Community HELPline: Find Answers to your Questions; The Wright Tote IEP Kit.

October 30, 2018 - How Law Evolves through Judicial Interpretation. L.H. v. Hamilton County: LRE and FAPE; Case of the Year: J.S. v. Houston; New Combo! Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments & Cases 2017; Case Law Library.

November 6, 2018 - Preventing Reading Difficulties and Failure. How a Child Becomes a Reader; Learning to Read - or Waiting to Fail?; All About Reading Tests; Assessing Reading Difficulties and Disabilities.

November 13, 2018 - Finding Effective Reading Programs. Effective Reading Programs; What Reading Tests Measure; 11 Questions to Ask about your Child's Reading Program; The Price Children Pay When We Do NOT Teach Them to Read.

November 20, 2018 - Thankful for our Military Families. Military and DoD Special Education; Military Child with Special Needs; Kids Take Action: Thank You Letters to our Troops; Military Bookstore and Discount.

November 27, 2018 - When the IEP Team Doesn't Know Your Child...Introduce Her!. A Unique Video Approach; How to Create a Vision Statement for your Child; Writing Your Master Plan; Introduce your Child to the Teacher & Class.

December 4, 2018 - Parent as Case Manager; Components of Your Master Plan. Components of Your Master Plan; Become Your Child's Case Manager; Your ACTIVE Parent Role; Parents as Special Ed Project Managers: Resolving Disputes.

December 11, 2018 - Aging Out of Special Ed Eligibility; Summary of Performance. Summary of Performance; Aging Out of Special Ed; Transition to Life After School; Basic Ed Diploma Track.

December 18, 2018 - Happy Holidays. We wish you and yours a healthy, happy, and prosperous new year. Merry Christmas from all of us at Wrightslaw. Together, we can continue to make a difference for children with disabilities and their families.

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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition, by Pam and Pete Wright
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Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition
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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
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Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2019
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