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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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We receive hundreds of questions each week pertaining to advocacy, our website, products, ordering, shipping - you name it. Here are a few of the more frequently asked questions.



What are eBooks? An eBook is an electronic or digital edition of a conventional printed book. Digital editions can be read on devices you already own - desktop, laptop, many popular smartphones, iPad, and other dedicated eReaders like Kindle, Nook, Sony, etc. You need some type of "reader" to read an eBook (more).

What eBook formats are available in the Wrightslaw Store?

Adobe PDF file Adobe PDF Download is a searchable and printable PDF file that is saved on your hard drive. This is not a CD-ROM that comes with the book. The PDF download includes bookmarks and page thumbnails so you can move easily between chapters and pages. When you purchase the Print & PDF Download Combo, you will receive a receipt by email that includes a download link.

Kindle mobi readerKindle versions of Wrightslaw books are formatted in the proprietary format designed to work on Kindle made by Amazon. You will be able to open and read this file on your computer if you have a Kindle app. If you want to read this format on your Kindle device, connect your Kindle to your computer with a USB cable. Transfer (copy/move) the downloaded file on your computer into your Kindle content folder on your computer. When you purchase this format from Wrightslaw, you will receive a receipt by email that includes a download link. Download and save the file on your computer before opening or transferring the file.

eReadere Pub is the standard digital format, that makes it possible for you to read eBooks on iPad, iPhones, Nook, Sony Reader, ADE, Android etc. When you purchase this format, you will receive a receipt by email that includes a download link. If you have an iPad, order your eBooks in the ePub format to be read by the ibooks app.


How do I download an eBook to my computer? Your sales receipt will contain an active hyperlink to the digital file. Download and save the file to your computer. Note: Be sure to take note of where you saved the file. Kindle files (.prc or .azw3) may download to "My Kindle Content" or you may need to copy the file into your content folder. If you are using an iPad, e Pub files (.epub) should download directly to your iBooks. For iPhone or iPad, you may need to open Safari first to open iBooks, then download the file to iBooks.

What if I download the file and cannot locate it on my hard drive? More than likely the file is in your hard drive. Use the search feature on your PC or Mac and use the file extension of the file that you downloaded (.pdf or .epub or .prc or .azw3).

What if my download time limit has expired? The link expires three days (72 hours) after your order has been placed. You will need to contact us to reset your link. Email orders | at | Please include your full name and order number.

What if my download retry limit has been reached? You have three attempts to download the file. If you receive this message you will need to contact us to reset your link. Email orders | at | Please include your full name and order number.

I can't open the eBook on my computer. What should I do? You must have a "reader" in order to open and view a digital file. If you do not already have a reader or reader app on your computer, tablet or phone, download one free. (see download links below)

You may download a free sample chapter of a Wrightslaw eBook.

Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy (.pdf) Sample Chapter 1 - Getting Started
Wrightslaw: All About IEPs for Kindle (.prc) Sample Chapter 1 - Download FREE

Wrightslaw: All About AAT for iPad, Nook, Sony Reader, ADE, (.epub) Sample Chapter 6 - Download FREE

If the chapter does not automatically open in your computer, you may not have a reader installed. We provide the links below to download the free reader software.

Digital eBook formats
Reader Type
Adobe PDF Adobe Reader for Windows or Mac

Kindle for tablet, smartphone, computer

e Pub

Adobe Digital Editions for Windows or Mac

Or, choose from a large selection of free apps for tablets and smartphones, (i.e., Universal Book Reader, ePub Reader, Aldiko)

How do I transfer an eBook to my Kindle device or other eReader? After you purchase a Wrightslaw eBook, download the file on your computer (remember where you saved the file). Use the USB cable that came with your device to transfer the eBook from your computer to your Kindle. Depending on what type of device you have, you may need to transfer the eBook file from your computer to your device if the file does not automatically open in your eReader.

Do eBooks support text-to-speech? Yes. Both the Kindle mobi format and the ePub version are enabled with text-to-speech that turns these eBooks into audio books.

Check your eReader to make sure text-to-speech is enabled on your device. There are a variety of eReaders and free software apps that will read the files. Kindle has a TTS feature, the iPad uses VoiceOver, Nook Study (a free eTextbook app for PC & MAC) reads with text-to-speech, etc. Please see the instructions with your device about text-to-speech.

Multimedia Training Programs

How do I find what Multimedia Training programs are available?

We are building a library of recorded programs on a wide range of topics that will grow over the next few weeks and months. Visit the Library for a preview of what is available and what is Coming Soon! Or, visit the Wrightslaw Multimedia Training Center.

How does Multimedia Training work?

Our Wrightslaw multimedia training programs are digital programs. You will view a PowerPoint presentation while listening to an audio program. All the programs are self-study and allow you to work at your own pace. The programs are recorded, you play them as you play movies. You can pause, rewind, fast forward, and repeat the entire program or parts of the program.

Can I stop a program and restart it later?

Yes. You have unlimited access to any program you purchase. You can view the recorded program or parts of the program as often as you like.

What formats are available?

Wrightslaw Multimedia Training programs are available as a download only.

Is a textbook required for the programs?

Yes. The law related programs will use Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd. Edition as the required coursebook. You will need a copy of that book as Pete will go over specific statutes and regulations and direct your attention to critical footnotes on various pages.

The advocacy related programs will use Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition as the required coursebook. Pete will discuss specific concepts contained in various pages and have you look up critical items that will improve your advocacy skills.

The 4 part, 6.5 hour Special Education Law and Advocacy program uses both books as the required texts.

You will need each book in front of you along with your yellow highlighter as you start the training program.

How can I purchase a textbook for the training programs?

Coursebooks can be purchased in combination with the Multimedia Training Program at a special price.

All Wrightslaw publications can be found in the Wrightslaw store.

Can I earn CEUs (continuing education units) for Wrightslaw Multimedia Training? Yes. Earn CEUs through Delta State University. Learn how!

Can I earn CLEs for Wrightslaw Multimedia Training?

Not at this time. Because State Bar requirements differ from one state to another, the ability to offer CLEs is more complex. We are continuing to investigate, so this may change in the future.


Equifax Secure Global eBusiness logoIs your site secure?
ShopSite is a secure, convenient way to order on the Internet with confidence. This web site secures your private information using the highest-grade encryption from Equifax Secure Global eBusiness.

How do I order your products? Visit our online store to learn about our products, specials and other information related to your ordering needs.

Do you offer student discounts? Yes. Visit our Student Discount page for details.

Do you offer exam texts to instructors? Yes. Visit our Academic Sales page for details.

Will I be charged sales tax?
If the book is shipped to an address in Virginia you will be charged (5.3%) sales tax. Out of state orders, (if not shipped to Virginia) will not be charged sales tax.

Will I receive a receipt?
Yes. All orders receive a receipt.

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How long until I receive my order? Three to five business days.

Where is my order? First check the address you provided. Be sure the bill to and ship to zip codes are correct. Please contact us at orders | at | Include your full name, order number and the correct address. In some cases, if the zip code is incorrect UPS and or the USPS will forward the package to the correct address. There may be a 1 to 2 day delay.

How will my order be shipped? It depends on the size of your order. Generally 2 books or less (depending on size) ship by United States Postal Service Media Mail. Bulk orders are shipped by UPS.

Can I have the book shipped to a different address other than the billing address? Absolutely. If ordering online be sure to enter both the billing and shipping addresses when you finalize your order. Likewise, with check or money order. To expedite orders over $100, please call 877-529-4332.

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Do you accept Purchase Orders? Yes, though first time orders need to be pre-paid by a credit card or check. Purchase Orders will be accepted after the initial order is paid.

Which forms of payment do you accept? We accept American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa, checks, and money orders.

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What if I am not totally satisfied with the publications? Can they be returned? We accept returns within 30 days of purchase. We have a No-Return Policy for bookstores. The shipping charge will not be refunded.


Can I have permission to reprint the articles found on your website? Permission is granted to print pages for personal use, class work, and for distribution within an organization. Any printed pages must be printed in their entirety, including the copyright notice at the bottom of the page. If references to the material on this site are made instead of printing pages, include or the full URL of the article. Articles cannot be reproduced for resale.

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How can I find things on your website? You will find a search box located in the top, right-hand corner of every single page on our website.  You can search by word, phrase, or string of words.  For best results, be sure to check your spelling.  Our site map will guide you through the dozens of topics and hundreds of sub-topics found on our website.  Our navigation system, located on the left-hand side of every page, can also serve as a guide in your search.

What is your privacy policy? Visit our Wrightslaw Privacy and Security Policies page.

Article Submissions

I would like to write an article or personal story for your website. Who should I contact? Send an email to success | at |

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Personal Advice

Can you provide personalized advice about my child? Wrightslaw receives hundreds of questions pertaining to specific situations each and every week.  Although we would love to answer them all personally, we simply cannot.  Through our product line and access to the thousands of articles on our website, available at no cost, we hope that our visitors can find the information they need in order to advocate for their own child.

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How do I subscribe to the email newsletter? Subscribing to the Wrightslaw Special Ed Advocate couldn't be easier.  Simply enter your email address into the box located on the left-hand side of every page on our website.  You can also visit our subscription page to learn more.

How do I unsubscribe from the email newsletter? Each newsletter includes your personal link to unsubscribe. When you click this link, the newsletter program will unsubscribe you.

If you have any questions, please call customer support toll free 877-529-4332.

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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition by Pete and Pam Wright
About the Book

To Order

Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
About the Book

To Order

Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
About the Book

To Order

Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
About the DVD Video

To Order


Copyright © 1998-2025, Peter W. D. Wright and Pamela Darr Wright. All rights reserved.

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Wrightslaw Books
Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition, by Pam and Pete Wright
About the Book

Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition
About the Book

Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
About the Book

Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
About the Book

Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2019
About the Book

Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
About the DVD Video

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Test Scores (1.5 hrs)

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