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Newsletter Archives - 2000

The Wrightslaw Libraries contain hundreds of articles, cases, Letters to Wrightslaw, and newsletters.  The Advocacy Libraries are divided into four areas: 

You are in the 2000 Archives. This Archive includes 39 newsletters published in 2000. Download and print them!

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December 19, 2000 (V. 3, no. 39). New Letters to Wrightslaw about Privacy, FERPA, Parent IEP Attachments, the "Parental Role", Using Tactics & Strategy to Resolve Problems with school officials, COPAA Issues Statement & Position Paper on NCD report, & The Advocates Gift Shop.

December 6, 2000 (V. 3, No. 38). 25th Anniversary of IDEA, New Hampshire Judge Speaks Out, Slide Show now available in Powerpoint, & Free Stuff.

December 4, 2000 (V. 3, No.37). Test & Measurements Slide Show, Learn effective Advocacy Skills,& Editor's choice from the Bookstore.

November 28, 2000 (V. 3, No. 36). Test & Measurement article top download; Free Stuff from Wrightslaw. 

November 13, 2000 (V. 3, No. 35). "Can the School Expel My Son?", new discipline case from Illinois, FAQs about discipline from OSEP; advocacy challenge discount.

November 1, 2000 (V. 3, No. 34). "Is it legal to send special ed kids home early?", new decision in Kanawha v. Michael M., Thom Hartmann on "Reinventing Our Schools."

October 26, 2000 (V. 3, No. 33)  "School Says I Can't Have My Child's IEP Revised - Is This True?", "When can school exempt a child from statewide testing?", Memorandum About Assessment From OSEP.

October 11, 2000 (V. 3, No. 32)  The Advocacy Center and Advice from experts, Meet Peta & Pam in Long Island, New York, Creative Solutions contest Final Chapter.

September 25, 2000 (V. 3, No. 31)  Parents of Child With Autism Prevail in Virginia, Anatomy of a Special Education Case, Where Can I Find an Attornery?, Do You Ever Come to The West Coast?

September 19, 2000 (V. 3, No. 30)  New Decision from Ninth Circuit: Attorney Fees for IEP Meetings, "Closing the Gap:" The National Council on Disability Needs Your Help!,Pete & Pam Wright to Speak in Long Island (October 13 & 14, 2000), Lawsuits Filed Against Maker of Ritalin, APA, CHADD.

September 12, 2000 (V. 3, No. 29)  Pete and Pam Wright To Speak in Long Island (October 13 & 14, 2000), Creative Solutions Contest - Time to Vote!

August 30, 2000 (V. 3, No. 28) - Update on NH Conference, Back to School articles and resources, New Cretive Solutions Contest.

August 21, 2000 (V. 3, No. 27) Special Issue: Rights, Responsibilities, Procedural Safeguards, also Parent Notice, Supremacy Clause; decision in Sarah M. v. Veast. 

August 9, 2000 (V. 3, No. 26) New decision about procedural safeguards and graduation as change of placement; new links and resources. 

August 2, 2000 (V, 3, No. 25). Special Issue: Assistive Technology. What is it? How can it be used? 

July 20, 2000 (V. 3, No. 24) New article, Seven Steps to Effective Parent Advocacy, new reviews of the Tactics & Strategy Manual.

July 13, 2000. Alert - Delaware Supreme Court Issues Decision in Advocate's Case.

July 11, 2000 (V. 3, No. 23) U. S. Supreme Court Issues Decision, Okays Aid to Religous Schools; West Virginia Seizes Another School District.

July 6, 2000 (V. 3, No. 22) New Report about Use and Abuse of "Zero Tolerance" Policies by Harvard Civil Rights Project; new books about special education law, IEPs, discipline in the Advocate's Bookstore. 

June 26, 2000 (V. 3, No. 21) Anatomy of a Special Education Case - 117K Awarded to Parents of Autistic Child; June newsletters and revised conference schedule.

June 13, 2000 (V. 3, No. 20) Wrightslaw Game Plans - IEP goals and objectives, eligibility problems; Freeware from Wrightslaw; Wrightslaw Game Plan for New Parents; Straight Talk About Reading.

June 5, 2000 (V. 3, No. 19) Battles Over High-Stakes Testing; Advocate's Case Heard by Delaware Sup. Ct, Whistleblowing Teacher Awarded Damages; Free CD-ROM from Wrightslaw.

June 1, 2000 (V. 3, No. 18) Spring Cleaning, new links; Deluxe edition of Wrightslaw: Special Education Law with CD-ROM available today; Special IEP Issue - Pass It On! 

May 24, 2000 (V. 3, No. 17) Special IEP Issue includes articles and resources, advocacy tips from experts, caselaw about IEPs, and more.

May 22, 2000 (V. 3, No. 16) News Flash! School ordered to Provide Special Ed Services to Private School Student; Purpose of Free Offers, Lessons from Amazon.

May 5, 2000 (V. 3, No. 15-A) Whitehead Retaliation Case Settles; Effective Parent Advocacy; Retaliation and the California Enemies List; CD-ROM Offer; Special Ed Consumer Survey

April 26, 2000 (V. 3, No. 15) Court Issues Restraining Order on Behalf of Student Athlete in ADA case; Game Plan to Resolve Eligibility Disputes; School Culture; Low Cost Evaluations; Free Grassroots Advocacy Kit, more. 

April 18, 2000 (V. 3, No. 14) OSEP Announcement: States to be Monitored; Using the IDEA Compliance Report from NCD; Get your State's Compliance Report; Case Study: Enforcement by Parents; "Shining a Bright Light"; Grassroots Advocacy; Subscriber email. 
April 12, 2000 (V. 3, No. 13) New Letters to Wrightslaw: "How can we protect our children's rights?";"Isn't full inclusion a child's right?"; how to prepare for a due process hearing; more creative ideas about "the second book."
March 29, 2000 (V. 3, No. 12) New decision from 7th Circuit about "Who Must Pay?"; Get Transcript of "Special Education Law: What Every Parent Needs to Know;" Editor's Choice from the Bookstore. 
March 23, 2000 (V. 3, No. 11) Your Creative Ideas for the Second Book; Online Conference About Special Education Law; Pete's commentary on Virginia's proposed special education regulations. 
March 16, 2000 (V. 3, No. 10) Important New Decisions About FAPE, LRE, "Hybrid Programs," Prevailing Party Status, & Attorneys Fees; IDEA Compliance Report Update; NCD Member Keynote Speaker at COPAA Conference; links to two great resources. 
March 1, 2000 (V. 3, No. 9) Special COPAA Connections Issue; Advocacy Advice for Parents from Pat Howey; IEP Meeting Tips from Atty Sonja Kerr; "The Power of COPAA." 
February 28, 2000 (Vol. 3, No. 8). IEPs: Problems & Your Game Plan; How to Use an IEP Attachment; New Letter to Wrightslaw - School Attorney at Child's IEP Meeting; More!
February 14, 2000 (V. 3, No 7). Guest columnist Wayne Steedman writes "Going on a Discovery Mission Behind Enemy Lines;" Great Speakers and Topics at 3rd Annual COPAA Conference in Houston; update on Wrightslaw Free Books Offer. 
February 10, 2000 (V. 3, No 6) Full IDEA Compliance Report with Links Now Up; Six Million Children; "Ripple Effects"; State-by-State Reports. 
February 7, 2000 (V. 3, No. 5). More information and links to IDEA Compliance Report -- and search tips to help you find info about your state; Parents Share Experiences; Judge rules that Colorado kids not entitled to a "quality education," IEP article breaks records.
February 2, 2000, (V. 3, No. 4) New IDEA Compliance Report; Spotlight on NCD; Update on Wrightslaw "Free Books Offer." 

January 26, 2000 (V. 3, No. 3) IDEA Compliance Report; Controversy About "Autism Alert", NEW Book Reviews, Editor's Choice from Bookstore.

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