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Free Online Newsletters
Education News l Special Education l Special Ed Law & Advocacy
IDEA Reauthorization & School Improvement l Law & Legal Research

You can't beat a good newsletter for up-to-the minute information. Although the newsletters on this page represent different interests, all are free. Please download and distribute the Free Newsletters Flyer so others may learn about these resources.

Visit our Free Publications page for links to free publications about child mental health, IEPs, learning disabilities, autism, special education, and more.

To recommend a free online newsletter, please about your recommendation and a brief note about why you believe we should include this newsletter on the Wrightslaw site. Type FREE NEWSLETTER in the subject line of your email. Contact Us.

Education News

The Achiever
- Free newsletter from U. S. Dept. of Ed; information; includes events and announcements about No Child Left Behind.

EducationNews - Daily email with links to education news articles from around the world and commentaries on various aspects of education. staff cover the latest education issues to bring you a thorough, complete analysis of events, policies, and situations which affect education today. Subscribe

Ed Week Update - Weekly newsletter from Education Week; includes top stories from Education Week, special reports, and education news from around the country

Extra Credit - news about the No Child Left Behind Act from the U.S. Department of Education.

NEA's Grants  - provides opportunities for teachers and education support personnel to develop and implement innovations that improve student learning. Awards of $2,000 and up each will be made to teams of K-12 public school teachers, education support personnel, and/or faculty in institutions of higher education who develop and implement innovative ideas that result in high student achievement.

National Association of State Boards of Education
- headline news, legislative updates, policy updates, state improvement initiatives.

National Institute of Urban School Improvement
- Inclusive schools e-newsletter.

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Special Education for Children with Disabilities

Bridges4Kids NewsDigest - Free, bi-weekly electronic newsletter with information related to parenting concerns, child development, special education and disabilities.

CEC Smart Brief - News for special educators published 3 times a week by Council for Exceptional Children.

HearingExchange, a community for people with hearing loss, parents of deaf and hard of hearing children and professionals who work with them, publishes a twice-monthly newsletter, HearingExchange News with news, articles, resources and other information about hearing loss. Subscribe

Helping Kids with Learning Difficulties. GreatSchools (formerly produces a family of free monthly email newsletters to help your child succeed in school. Choose newsletters for your child's school, your child's grade, or get timely tips and advice. Welcomes all former SchwabLearning members. Subscribe

LD & ADHD - Find the answers to your questions about LD & ADHD and resources for help in this newsletter published by Family Education.

LDOnline Report
, a free monthly newsletter from LD OnLine; news about learning disabilities, articles, and events. Subscribe.

LD News published by the National Center for Learning Disabilities, provides news about dyslexia, learning disabilities, and ADD/ADHD. To subscribe, go to and type your e-mail address in the subscribe box.

Reading Rockets News - A monthly newsletter about reading, literacy, research based instruction.

Rocket Blasts
- Daily or weekly e-mail of news headlines about reading, literacy, early childhood, and elementary education issues.

RTI Responder - Email news published monthly from the National Center for RTI Response to Intervention.

Schafer Autism Report - Autism News & Information Database; daily newsletters.

Special Ed Advocate - Free weekly newsletter about special education legal and advocacy issues, cases, tactics and strategy, and Internet resources. Subscribers receive announcements and "alerts" about new cases, news, and events. Subscribe  Back issues of The Special Ed Advocate.

Teaching LD News -Free email newsletter about opportunities and events at TeachingLD

World of Dyslexia Newsletter, a monthly email newsletter that keeps you up to date with events in the world of dyslexia. Includes information about dyslexia testing and assessment, teaching dyslexic children, advice for parents of a dyslexic child, coping techniques for dyslexic adults, free magazine articles, research, and much more!

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Special Education Law & Advocacy

The Beacon: The Journal of Special Education Law and Practice
, an electronic journal published by Harbor House Law Press. Includes articles and essays for attorneys and advocates who represent children with disabilities and others who are interested in special education law and practice. Each issue focuses on a theme and includes practical and theoretical articles. Subscribe

The Special Ed Advocate - Free online newsletter about special education legal and advocacy issues, cases, tactics and strategy, and Internet resources from Wrightslaw. Subscribers receive announcements and "alerts" about new cases, news, and events.
To subscribe
  Back issues of The Special Ed Advocate.
IDEA, School Improvement, Education Reform

ADA Watch - Alerts from the National Coalition for Disability Rights (NCDR)

Education Gadfly - Newsletter weekly by the Fordham Foundation; focuses on research, publications, and action projects in education reform.

IDEA - The National Center for Learning Disabilities publishes Alerts to keep you informed of events and activities leading to reauthorization of IDEA.

GAO Reports (by Topic)
- The GAO provides investigative reports to Congress. Last year, GAO published a report, Student Discipline: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, (GAO-01-2100) and informed Congress that the discipline provisions in the IDEA were working and did not need to be changed. As the IDEA reauthorization progresses, GAO Reports will play an important role in informing members of Congress and the public. To be notified by email about GAO Reports About Education, follow this link:

Legislative Updates. NCLD Public Policy office provides regular updates on critical legislation affecting those with learning disabilities. 

Law and Legal Research

FindLaw. An encyclopedic law site that publishes newsletters on dozens of different topics:
Daily Opinion Summaries
Weekly Opinion Summaries
Legal Grounds: Legal News with Attitude
Writ: Legal Commentary from Top Scholars and Attorneys
Health Law Pulse: Reports from the intersection of health care and the law

The Practice Paper: Tools and Solutions for Solo and Small Firm Lawyers
More info about Findlaw newsletters.

Opinions from Findlaw
. Depending on your federal court, you may be able to receive court opinions soon after they are issued. To learn if you can get decisions from your federal court, go to the Findlaw Federal Resources, Judicial page. Subscribers receive opinions within 1-2 days of the date they are issued.

Do You Have a Recommendation?

To recommend a free online newsletter that is not included in this listing, please send an email about your recommendation and a brief note about why you believe we should include this newsletter on the Wrightslaw site. Please type FREE NEWSLETTER in the subject line of your email.

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Last updated: 04/20/18

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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition, by Pam and Pete Wright
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Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition
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Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
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Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2019
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Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
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