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Special Ed Advocate Archives: 2019

The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter from Wrightslaw. The newsletter provides accurate, up-to-date information about special education legal and advocacy issues. Our goal is to help readers navigate the confusing world of special education and get quality services for children with disabilities. Mission.

The 2019 Archives includes links to all issues of The Special Ed Advocate newsletter and Alerts published this year. To read issues published since April 1998, please visit the
Newsletter Archives.

January 8, 2019 - 2018 Progress Report...and a Thank You Note! Progress Report; Top 10 Articles; Top 10 Topics; Top 10 Cases; Top 10 Blog Posts.

January 15, 2019 - Alert! First Time Offer - Two New Combos Available. Our publisher, Harbor House Law Press, has released two new combos. The Print Book and PDF Download are now available for Wrightslaw: All About IEPs and Wrightslaw: All About Tests & Assessments.

January 22, 2019 - Unique Needs: Kids with Life-Threatening Allergies. Allergies & Anaphylaxis; Kids with Special Dietary Needs; Purpose of IDEA - Unique Needs; Food Allergies: Section 504, Written Plans, Allergy Alerts.

January 29, 2019 - Not Hi-Tech? Low-Tech Tools for Keeping Good Records. Using Low-Tech Tools to Document Everything; Create a Paper Trail; Taking Control in the IEP Process; Log-in your School Contacts.

February 5, 2019 - Behavior and Discipline: School Responsibility for Providing FAPE. Suspensions, Expulsions, & IEPs; Behavior Management & School Response; Discipline: Alternative Placement; Behavior Problems: What are Schools Required to Do?

February 12, 2019 - Disciplining Students with Disabilities. IEPs for Children with Behavior Problems; What Parents & Teachers Need to Know; Assessments: Getting Good Diagnostics; Aggressiveness: Will Special Ed Help?

February 19, 2019 - Taking Away Recess as Punishment. The Crucial Role of Recess in School; Why Recess Matters; Non-Academic Services in the IEP; Play Deprivation and Behavior Problems.

February 26, 2019 - W&M Law School Institute of Special Education Advocacy (ISEA) - Registration is Open! The William & Mary Law School Institute of Special Education Advocacy is presenting a five-day training program in special education advocacy from July 28 - August 2, 2019. Get the details and download the application.

March 5, 2019 - Special Ed Disputes: Settlement Agreements. Demystifying Settlement Agreements; Preparing Settlement Agreements: Get a Sample; IDEA 2004: Mediation & Written Agreements; Negotiate, Litigate, or Mediate?

March 12, 2019 - How to Avoid Power Struggles with the School. When Disagreements Turn Into Power Struggles; How to Disagree with the School Without Starting WWIII; Resolving Parent-School Disputes; Losing Battle? Get Out of the Loop.

March 19, 2019 - Resolving IEP Disputes. I Don't Agree with the IEP Team! What Should I Do?; Effective IEP Teams: Reality or Impossible Dream?; Common Issues in Special Education Disputes; What to Do When the School Doesn't Respond.

March 26, 2019 - Success Stories: Resolving Problems, Getting Better Services. Learning the Skills, Attacking the Obstacles; How I Won a Private Placement; Educating Myself: Effective Parent Advocacy; From Victim to a Mighty Force!

April 2, 2019 - Due Process Success: A Case Study. Prevailing at Due Process: Compensatory Services & an IEP!; Sample Letter: Due Process Complaint Letter; Wrightslaw: Surviving Due Process; How to Prepare for a Due Process Hearing.

April 9, 2019 - Developing the IEP: Annual Review. Required Annual IEP Review; You Can Request an IEP Review at any Time; Wrightslaw: All About IEPs; Problems that May Trigger an IEP Revision.

April 16, 2019 - IEP Present Levels - Needs - Goals. What's So Important about this Relationship? Present Levels: The Foundation of the IEP; Present Levels Checklist - Download; IDEA 2004: Requirement for Present Levels; Back to School on Present Levels.

April 23, 2019 - Help! I Need SMART IEP Goals. Are These Good Annual Goals?; Learn about SMART IEPs; SMART Goals: Using Objective Data; What about Functional Goals?

April 30, 2019 - New! IEP Checklist: Physical Education Services. New! Checklist for PE Services in the IEP; Physical Education and Adapted PE; IDEA 2004: PE Contents and Requirements; Equal Time for PE: 1x30 = 3x45. Can You Do the Math?

May 6, 2019 - We're Military and Move a Lot - What about ESY? Military Appreciation Month; We're Military and Move a Lot - What about ESY?; Thank You Scott AFB Family Readiness Center; Military Discounts in the Wrightslaw Store; Falling Through the Cracks: Military Children with Special Needs.

May 8, 2019 - W&M Law School ISEA, Award and Tuition Waiver for Law Student/New Attorney. The Cuddy Law Firm is sponsoring an award and tuition waiver for a law student/newly admitted attorney to one member of the 2019 ISEA class. In reviewing award applications, the committee will consider the applicant's demonstrated enthusiasm for special education advocacy, and desire to serve underserved populations.

May 14, 2019 - IDEA 2004: Special Factors in IEPs. Special Factors: Behavior; IEP PopUp: Special Factors in IEPs; All About IEPs: Special Factors; Special Factors: Limited English Proficiency.

May 21, 2019 - IDEA Prohibition on Mandatory Medication. Does Medication Disqualify a Child from Special Ed?; The School Insists We Medicate My Daughter; IDEA 2004: What the Law Says; ADHD: Does Eligibility for an IEP Require Medication?

May 28, 2019 - Free Listing! Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities. Get a FREE Listing on the Yellow Pages for Kids; *Time to Update your Current Listing*; Yellow Pages Users Guids; A Thank You To our Sponsors; Why Advertise @ Yellow Pages for Kids?

May 31, 2019 - Parents Prevail! L.H. v. Hamilton. Coming Soon! Legal Developments & Cases 2018. Mainstreaming (LRE), FAPE, and Tuition Reimbursement; Wrightslaw: 2018 Case of the Year: L.H. v. Hamilton County; Coming Soon! Wrightslaw: Legal Developments & Cases 2018.

Summer School Series Sessions 1 - 5

June 4, 2019 - Special Education Topics: Summer 2019 Quick Picks. 10 Tips for Ending the School Year; Youth Programs and Summer Camps; Strategies for AT Negotiations; Wrightslaw Advocate's Store.

June 11, 2019 - Will You Join Us at ISEA 2019? Limited space is available. Get all the details, download the application, apply today!

June 25, 2019 - 2019 Summer School Session 1: Transition - Planning for your Child's Future Transition Planning Checklists; Don't Let the Transition Plan Fail your Child; IEPs and Transition Planning; Homework Assignment: Reading Checklist; Emphasis on Transition: What the Law Says

July 9, 2019 - 2019 Summer School Session 2: Transition Assessments What is my Parental Role in Transition Assessments?; Measuring Interests to Aptitudes; Homework Assignment: Transition Assessment Toolkit; Tests & Inventories for Transition Assessment.

July 23, 2019 - 2019 Summer School Session 3: Transition Goals and Services. Only Academic Services in the Transition IEP? Yes? No?; Transitional Programs on College Campuses or in the Community; We Need a Transition Plan with "Hands-On" Experience; Homework Assignment: Reading Checklist; All About IEPs: Transition to Life After School.

August 6, 2019 - 2019 Summer School Session 4: Meeting Post-Secondary Transition Goals. Diploma Path or Certificate Track?; Summary of Academic Achievement & Functional Performance (SOP); Homework Assignment: Quiz; Advocating for Successful Transition.

August 20, 2019 - 2019 Summer School Session 5: Life After High School: Self-Advocacy. Summer School Certificate.. Who Writes the 504 When my Son Loses his IEP?; Transition to Post-Secondary Education: 504 Plan?; Self-Advocacy Skills Support Lifelong Success; College: Continuing Education; Download your Certificate

Summer School Series Sessions 1 - 5

August 27, 2019 - Top 5: Articles, Topics, Blog Posts. What were the most popular articles on Wrightslaw this summer? This issue has links to the five articles, topics, and blog posts receiving the most attention in the last six months.

September 10, 2019 - Back to School: Check it Off!. Download your Back to School Checklist!; 10 Tips for a Successful School Year; Your Back to School Survival Guide; Ready, Set, Go - Off to a Positive Start!

September 12, 2019 - New from Wrightslaw! Special Education Legal Developments & Cases 2018. Available now as an immediate download in the Wrightslaw Store. When you read about a case, you can click on a link that will take you to it. All hyperlinks are active. $19.95 Order Download now! Order Print Edition from Amazon.

September 17, 2019 - Why Not the "Best"? 4 Lessons about FAPE. What is FAPE?; Four Lessons about FAPE; New! Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments & Cases 2018; Judicial Interpretation: IDEA Demands More.

September 24, 2019 - Failing to Include a Parent at IEP Meetings Violates IDEA. Failing to Include a Parent at IEP Meetings Violates IDEA. Doug C. v. Hawaii: Critical Questions Ansered about IEP Meetings; Parents are NOT Members of the IEP Team...Say What!?; Poll: Parents as Team Members; Law and Regulations about Parental Role & Consent.

October 1, 2019 - IEP Team Members: The Excusal Rule. IEP Team Members & Attendance; Do Parents Have to Excuse Members of the IEP Team?; IDEA: What the Law Says about Excusing Team Members; Can Parents Exclude a Member of the IEP Team?

October 8, 2019 - IEP Team: Equal Parent Participation - Tools for Parent Input. Adding Parent Input to the IEP: Here's How; Written Parent Opinions: A How-To Manual; Meeting Strategies: Parent Input; How to Use a Parent IEP Attachment.

October 15, 2019 - IEP FAQs. Who Can Overturn IEP Team Decisions?; Scheduling IEP Team Meetings; Who's on the Team: Related Services Providers?; About Special Factors in the IEP.

October 22, 2019 - 5 Rules for Successful IEP Meetings. Know What You Want!; Plan and Prepare; Identify Problems: Propose Win-Win Solutions; Suppose I Disagree with the IEP Team?

October 29, 2019 - Rights of Students in Public Charter Schools. FAQs about Rights in Public Charter Schools;Charter Schools and IEPs;The Wright Tote IEP Kit;OCR Guidance for Charter Schools.

November 5, 2019 - Your Story Matters! Military Special Education. SURVEY: Military Special Education; Military and DoD Special Education; Military Discounts in the Wrightslaw Store; The Military Child: Law + Resources.

November 12, 2019 - How State Rules & Regulations Impact IDEA. How State Rules and Regulations Impact IDEA; How Well Do You Know Your State Regs?; Get Your Copy of the Federal IDEA Regulations; Bottom Line - Check Your State Regulations!

November 19, 2019 - Waiting to Fail or Preventing Reading Failure? Waiting to Fail - or Teaching a Child to Read?; Assessing Reading Difficulties & Disabilities; Student Achievement Crisis: Nation's Reading Report Card; All About Reading Tests.

November 26, 2019 - Trending Now: Top 5 Blog Posts. In this issue of the Special Ed Advocate you will find a roundup of the top 5 posts on the Wrightslaw Way. Also find questions asked and answered on the Community HELPLINE.

December 3, 2019 - Can We Request Tutoring in the IEP? Can We Request Tutoring in the IEP?; Tutoring as a Direct Service Under IDEA; My Child Has Dysgraphia - How Can I Find a Tutor?; Annual Christmas Sale - 25% OFF.

December 10, 2019 - Caselaw Review. Parents Prevail: L.H. v. Hamilton; Texas Violated Federal Law - Corrective Action Ordered!; Phyllene W. v. Huntsville; Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments & Cases 2018.

December 17, 2019 - Happy Holidays. Our Gift to You. Need help? Download any of these Cool Tools from Wrightslaw. Use these tools in the coming year to help you anticipate problems, manage conflict, and avoid crises. Together, we can continue to make a difference for children with disabilities and their families. We wish you and yours a healthy, happy, and prosperous new year. Merry Christmas from all of us at Wrightslaw.


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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
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Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2019
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Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
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