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Summer School Series 2019
Transition - Planning for Your Child's Future

Wrightslaw Summer School 2019 is a self-study series of reading and information, written assignments, and maybe even a quiz or two, that will help you prepare for the school year.

When you complete the series, you'll get a certificate for a job well done!

It's never too early to plan for your child's future. Transition planning should be done with your child, not for your child.

  • IDEA focuses on transition services . . . an outcome-oriented process, which promotes movement from school to post-school activities.
  • IDEA provides the legal requirements for transition services to support your child's goals after high school.

Hopefully, you have been working closely with your child’s IEP team through high school to ensure that the team established appropriate transition goals. You should have also measured and documented your child's progress toward these goals.

Session 1

Transition Planning

Transition services must be included in the IEP that is in effect when your child turns 16 - but the IEP team can plan earlier if appropriate. Some states require earlier planning.

Your child's IEP transition plan should be based on his individual needs, interests, and choices - with goals that address what he is doing now and what he wants to do when high school is over.

In Session 1: Transition Planning Checklists, you will take a close look at IDEA transition requirements and transition planning to ensure that your child is prepared for further education, employment, and independent living. You'll find advice, transition checklists, and tips to help your child make a successful transition.

Get your Homework Assignment #1.

Session 2

Transition Assessments

image of high school boy reads with motherWant Good Transition Goals? Use Age Appropriate Transition Assessments!

  • Will your child have the knowledge and skills he needs when he leaves school?
  • How can you ensure that he is prepared to get a job or go to college?
  • Will he be able to live independently and participate in the community?

Transition assessments are a step to helping your child set goals for the future.

Bottom line: Like so much in life, before trying to create a treatment plan, get the data first. - Pete Wright

The right tests will provide information that is needed to create a good transition plan.

In Session 2: Transition Assessments you will learn how to help the team select appropriate tests for your child's transition assessments. Find out what tests should be included in the assessment plan for your child.

Get your Homework Assignment #2 - Download your guide: Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Toolkit.

Session 3

Transition Goals and Services

The IEP team decides on measurable transition goals, after the school has conducted appropriate transition assessments.

Does your child’s IEP have appropriate transition goals? Has your child made measurable progress toward these goals? How do you know?

The school is required to provide the transition services your child needs to meet these goals.

At transition IEP meetings, you must be prepared to discuss your child's transition needs, goals, and the services he will need to meet these goals.

The team must invite your child to the meeting.

In Session 3: Transition Goals and Services you will learn that transition goals services must be individualized. If your child needs daily living, problem solving, and survival skills, teaching these skills should be in your child's transition plan.

Get your Homework Assignment #3 - Bookmark, Read, and Download the Checklist on Transition Services from the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT).

Session 4

Meeting Post-Secondary Transition Goals

Post-school outcomes for your child?

  • vocational programming, job training
  • further education, college, community college
  • employment
  • community services, independent living, self-sufficiency

Based on your child's needs, interests, and preferences, the transition plan should include coordinated goals and services to help him easily move to post-school activities, postsecondary education, vocational training, employment, or independent living.

In Session 4: Meeting Post-Secondary Transition Goals you will learn about diploma options and requirements. Find out what the IEP team should consider, including the SOP. Learn how to effectively advocate for successful transition. Does your child’s IEP have appropriate transition goals? Has your child made measurable progress toward these goals? How do you know?

Get your Homework Assignment #4 - Summary of Performance (SOP) - Take the Quiz.

Session 5

Life After High School: Self-Advocacy

Is your child transitioning to college, vocational training, employment, or independent living?

During the transition process, help your child learn about his rights and responsibilities in post-secondary school, and his civil rights.

At least two federal laws provide protection for your child at the post-secondary level. There may be other state and/or local laws that also provide protection.

Self-Advocacy is learning how to speak up for yourself. Encourage your child to learn how to advocate for himself after public school.

In Session 5: Meeting Post-Secondary Transition Goals you will find information and resources about college and continuing education, accommodations after high-school, and self-advocacy. Download your Summer School Certificate.

Your Certificate


You have completed Summer School 2019: Transition - Planning for your Child's Future

You’ve learned about the Section 1400(c)(14) requirements for transition services to promote successful post-school employment and/or education. You learned about transition planning, assessments, and goals and services. You also found out about accommodations, resources, and self-advocacy skills after high school.

Download your Certificate.

We appreciate your positive comments about the Special Ed Advocate short course series.

"The Short Course series for parents you've been running in the newsletter is perfect for the parents I'm training at the Parent Information Center workshops. You haven't just told parents what to learn, you are telling them how to learn it and how to approach the learning..."

"The homework assignments in this series will be so very helpful to my parent group! I will print them out packets! Thank you!"

"Excellent job again Wrightslaw! I cannot underscore the extreme importance of maintaining an ongoing “flow” of documentation of all school activity pertaining to your student. I just love it when a school official says, 'I don’t have knowledge or evidence of the district’s approval of that service for your student'. I can respectfully reply… 'I am eager to assist the IEP team in any way I can. I have the verification document you need right here.'"

"I LOVE your site. I have never received an electronic issue that did not have an article that was personally applicable. I would very much like to do each step in the summer organization 'class'. With three young children with special needs- I can't miss organizational help!!"

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