Are Kids with Passing Grades Eligible for 504 Plans and IEPs?

Are Kids with Passing Grades Eligible for 504 Plans and IEPs? Continue Reading →
Special Education Law and Advocacy
Are Kids with Passing Grades Eligible for 504 Plans and IEPs? Continue Reading →
How does an IEP team determine if a student with special needs is entitled to services such as Occupational Therapy and Speech Therapy? Is the team allowed to say that Continue Reading →
As a parent, have you asked the school to help your child only to have the school dismiss or deny your request? What did you do? Most parents seem to Continue Reading →
This Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Conference, a Wrightslaw training program featuring Pete Wright, Esq., is being sponsored by Education for Parents of Indian Children with Special Needs (EPICS). Continue Reading →
I just had my 6 year old re-evaluated. He has behavioral issues, OT, and Speech and difficulty staying on task. At the meeting they decided to give him a 504 Continue Reading →
Bottom line: Eligibility decisions must be based on comprehensive evaluations. Terminating your child’s eligibility from special ed is not a unilateral decision the school alone can make. The school is Continue Reading →
On November 17, 2015 in Q.W. v. Board of Education of Fayette County, Kentucky the Sixth Circuit upheld a District Court decision which concluded that a child with autism lost Continue Reading →
Wrightslaw Special Education Law and Advocacy Conference, a Wrightslaw training program featuring Pete Wright, Esq., is being sponsored by Kulanu Parent Advocacy and Resource Center (PARC). This November 10, 2016 Continue Reading →
My 6 year old son has had an IEP since last year. Now the school wants to meet for an RTI. Is this correct – or should we be meeting Continue Reading →
I have an 8 year-old on the spectrum with fairly severe sensory and anxiety issues. He needs support with executive functioning and coping with anxiety. He now has speech, OT, Continue Reading →
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