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Andrea:  My child is almost 12, has CP, autism and developmental delays and is in a Special Day Class all day. The IEP team wants to reduce his PT and OT both from 1 1/2 hrs per week to consult only. He cannot stand or walk, but is able to get around in his wheelchair with the help of his aide, so they say he “can access his education.” He can read and spell at about 1st or 2nd grade level, but comprehension is lacking, and he can barely write legibly, though he can type with index fingers. They say he met his OT goals and that anything OT would address is already worked on in the classroom, so services would be redundant. Surely there must be appropriate OT goals, but how can I find ones to suggest?

  1. You are not an occupational therapist so you don’t know exactly what your son needs – and you don’t speak OT language.

    Strongly suggest that you get a comprehensive evaluation of your son by an evaluator in the private sector. His pediatrician or neurologist should be able to recommend an person who will evaluate, identify his strengths and weaknesses, and make recommendations about goals and the services he needs – and what will happen if his needs are NOT met.

    Look for an evaluator who will go to the IEP meeting with you and explain to his IEP team why s/he made recommendations.

    If you have a copy of our books – Special Education Law book, or From Emotions to Advocacy, or All About IEPs, or All About Tests and Assessments, you would be able to find answers to many of you questions. When YOU can find answers to your questions and you don’t have to rely on others who may not have your child’s best interests at heart, it is very liberating!

    Go to a Wrightslaw Special Education Law & Advocacy program – the schedule is here: https://www.wrightslaw.com/speak/schedule.htm

    Be determined but also be patient with yourself. We know how overwhelmed parents feel. As you learn more, those feelings will soften and subside.

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