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Teresa:  My principal is in charge of Initial Evaluations. He did an initial ETR on a 6th grade student completely incorrectly (no assessment/observations included, only him, the parent and the psych at the meeting etc etc) The psych report indicated no academic goals but perhaps Behavior goals. I have no referral information, no doctor diagnosis. Mom says student is has PTSD. Our special ed director said we need to stay in compliance and have the IEP done in 30 days. The alleged ETR was signed on December 1, 2016 and she said its due Jan 1, 2017. We have Christmas break in there and I have no data from interventions, no doctor information, no observation information so nothing for Present Levels and therefore I have no idea what she needs to be successful at school. Frankly her grades are ok and I would think she wouldn’t require an IEP. (maybe a 504 for accommodations associated with her anxiety related to her alleged PTSD)
The bottom line is this: I cannot write an IEP without a valid and complete ETR. Therefore, I cannot be compliant with the 30 day rule. What do I do?

  1. You write with concerns about an “ETR.” I’m not familiar with an “ETR.” Others may not know what an “ETR” is so please fill us in so we can help.

    I’m concerned about your statement, “I cannot write an IEP without a valid and complete ETR.”

    The IDEA requires a child’s IEP to be developed by an IEP team that includes several required members:

    * the child’s parents;

    * not less than 1 regular education teacher of the child;

    * not less than 1 special education teacher or special ed provider of the child;

    * an LEA representative who is qualified to provide and/or supervise special ed instruction, is knowledgeable about the curriculum and knowledgeable about LEA resources;

    * an individual who can interpret instructional implications of evaluation results;

    * other individuals who have knowledge of child;

    * when appropriate, the child

    Do IEP teams with these individuals develop IEPs where you work?

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