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Lynn: My 8 yr old grandson is having behavior problems in school to the point where he is already being suspended. He has displayed outbursts, Hitting other children, as well as teachers, because he does not want to be told what to do.

Is the school required to test him for adhd, or maybe aspergers syndrome.

  1. We requested a behavior assessment & signed the schools required paperwork. A letter requesting this is not the same as signing the school’s paperwork. Once this is signed they have 60 days to do a behavior assessment. After the assessment was done the entire IEP team got together to discuss. The behavior assessment listed specific triggers that caused our son’s behavior & positive reinforcements to try to help the situation. THis was a god send for our son & the team agreed to include this with goals & benchmarks in the IEP. Do not allow them to just staple this to the IEP. It must be written into the IEP & signed by everyone. IF you do not agree with the findings you can get an outside behavior assessment at the school’s cost.

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