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cathy:  What are my rights as a parent of a child that attends high school. my
child was a victim at school, she witnessed a fight between a student and a student from another school. my child simply tried to stop the fight because she felt the student was being badly beaten.  my child was severely hurt when beaten by three female students on school campus and not protected by security. I do not want to send my child back to that school. what rights do i have as a parent to transfer my child to another school for her protection?

  1. I registered with my school district and now they are saying my child cannot attend the school she is zoned for due to over crowding. Additionally, the two closest schools are also crowded. They want to assign her to another school that is out of the way. Additionally, my child is in the catchment area for one of the best elementary schools in town, and the other two top three schools are the ones they are saying are also overcrowded. The school they are attempting to send her two has way lower numbers and lower ratings. What are my rights as a parent?

  2. my Granddaughter is in high school 2nd year and now she has to go to another school because of zoning. Mom and dad separated and she has to stay us How can we keep her in the same school

    • Districts typically have policies that address this issue. If you have trouble finding this, contact the district’s central office.

  3. My special needs child was assigned to attend a different elementary school next year…do I have the right to request she remain where she is?

    • Yes. The school should have given you a prior written notice explaining why this change is being made. You can appeal this to the district director of special education, and up the chain of command.

  4. My 5 year old autistic son who also has sickle cell disease reported he was hit by his teacher. His attitude and behavior toward school changed drastically. He went from loving school to extremely frightened and resistant toward the school and certain staff. I reported it to the principal and requested a transfer for my son to return to his previous school where he excelled tremendously. The principal failed to report the abuse allegation to the local authorities and CPS per school policy. She stated she could not provide an alternative class and stated his class was the only Kindergarten class. I submitted a formal complaint to superintendent on the principal. In the process of meeting with Superintendent the school principal illegally withdrew my son from school. The Superintendent denied my request for my son to be transferred back to his previous school and did an administrative placement for a totally new school. My son has autism and has suffered enough, I find a new environment would be even more detrimental to him. I requested for each of my children to be transferred from that school to the school my son went to prior but the superintendent and reassigned is denying it. The school she offered my 5 year old has the same arrival and dismissal time as the school he would be leaving despite my other two children having to stay. Superintendent stated I would have to provide transportation despite my son having an IEP that provides transportation. How can I drop him off and pick him up on time when I have two other children going to a different school with the same arrival and dismissal time. The school district is denying to transfer them all to the same school. My 5 year old autistic son was able to be illegally withdrew by the school principal without following the policy, nor with the necessary documentation. So he has missed 2 months of school but my children can’t be transferred to another school. The principal made my son a 5 year old, disabled drop out. The Superintendent stated the policies don’t apply to my son despite her being made aware and confirming that he was illegally disenrolled.

  5. My special needs child is being severely neglected at her school. They send her home drenched in her own urine. I have tried to transfer her and they have sent child services to my home in an attempt to stop the transfer. Child services has advised that she not return to the school. Now the school board is transferring my special needs son to the same school. They refuse a transfer. I have kept them home ever since.

  6. my daughters school wants to put her in a residential home but i said no but they don’t care. my daughter isn’t in danger ed or anything like that. they also aren’t allowing me to put her on an online school or transfer her. she’s currently going to a therapeutic school. she doesn’t belong there and even they know it they said she’s higher than the kids there. is it legal to keep her there against our will ?

    • States are required to have procedures for dealing with disputes, disagreements like this. Schools are to give parents a procedural safeguards document that explains these processes and how to use them in the state. The state education agency website should have information on these. Your state parent training & information center can assist you also.

  7. My son is in elementary school and I’ve done everything I could possibly do his still being bullied I think it’s time to change schools

    • If you have exhausted all avenues and the bullying is still going on then I concur with you it is time to change schools. Your son has the right to receive his education without it being impacted by bullies. Your son maybe able to go to a private school on the districts dime. Look into that and let the school know you are considering a private placement. While you are doing that make sure your son is involved in outside activities such as sports, art clubs, or even scouts to help with self esteem and keep interacting with other kids.

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