Can School Refuse a 504 Plan After a Doctor’s Request?

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Child's serious faceMy 7-year-old daughter is having anxiety attacks at school. She often has anxiety attacks during lunch in a large, noisy cafeteria. The cafeteria is not the only trigger for anxiety attacks; simply one example.

Her pediatrician diagnosed her with an Anxiety Disorder. He wrote a letter to request a 504 plan.

The school advised that they will “review the situation to see if a 504 plan is warranted”. If they decide my daughter is not entitled to a 504 plan, they will deny the doctor’s request.

The school did not contact the pediatrician about her anxiety problems or accommodations. Instead, they called a meeting of their “team” (teachers, speech therapist, nurse, guidance counselor, and principal) to determine if a 504 plan is “warranted.” They requested that I attend this meeting.

The school refused the doctor’s request for a 504 plan. How is this possible?

  1. Hello
    My daughter 6 y was recently diagnosed with combined Adhd though she has improved from her melt downs in Kindergarten she is doing well in first Grade so far no meltdowns.
    That said the doctor recommended her to have a 504 plan placed in school and gave recommendations in his final reports a copie was made for the school. We recently had a meeting intervention with the whole staff councilor, principal , school psychologist, teacher …and so on. They said my daughter is doing very well academically, and is in a high cap education for reading English. The Teacher said she is well behaved respectful in class. So they denied her a 504 plan. My daughter , however has issues focusing and is easily distracted at school spite what they say I, see this at home I, have to put on a timer for her I, can only give her one thing to do at a time or it overstimulates her.

    We do check list to make sure she gets her things done like go potty get dressed make bed and so on.. We had insedence where she would not make it to the toilet she would forget. I mentioned to the school that she come home and she had not eaten her lunch or drank anything all day.It was a concern I, told them she needs constant reminders. The teacher will not allow her water bottle on the table to help her remember to drink her water or juice so It was suggested a picture on the desk instead. The doctor said Children with Adhd live in the moment they have a hard time planning ahead. The brain makes to much dopamine. As a family we have come far and my daughter has made great strides. I still feel more support is needed. Until then they denied a 504 plan and put it on the back burner as a possibility in the near future.
    What can I, do more.?

  2. IJC School elementary retaliated after refusing to grant the 504 plan request. 7 year old previous school already had him under IEP. The school after records were requested by me.. continued to press on concerns of excused absences and began conflicts avoiding records request and submitting to me repetitively attendance records as though to threaten intimidate with truancy etc. Then I mentioned I would be considering homeschooling and they lettered me claiming his excused absences can be reported to hhs because only because I received state aid in any firm.

    I pulled him went to that week and the school retaliated and forced false allegations and accusations that concerned physical abuse. After I had been repetitively seeking alternative transportation because his asthma and my vehicle down. This state is sick sad and pathetic. I have My child who is toddler 7 somehow listed as a juvenile. Toddler.

  3. The 504 team is made up of educational professionals. Every student could technically qualify for a 504 plan. You take your child to the doctor and tell them that they are having meltdowns and are anxious and you have yourself an anxiety disorder diagnosis.
    Some students with disabilities cannot access their education due to the disability. Therefore a 504 plan is needed. If your child has a diagnosis, but they are successfully accessing their FAPE, then why put them on a 504 plan. It can be stigmatizing and enabling. Let them succeed on their own if possible. Doctors are not the educators. It is a quick answer…”put your kid on a 504 plan. Here’s a letter for the school.” Professional educators don’t go into their doctor’s office and demand certain things from them, therefore doctors shouldn’t do the same. A doctor’s recommendation is one piece of the assessment process. Work as a team with your child’s school. That is what kids need more than anything.

  4. It’s important for parent to know their child’s rights with regard to 504s. All public schools receive funding for this. However, if the school has unused funds from this, the funds are placed back into the general fund. This is dangerous as it becomes an incentive NOT to provide a IEP or 504 for a child with need.

    • I am not aware of any federal funding for 504 students. Federal IDEA funds can not go into the general funds. In most states it is probably allowable to move “unexpended” state funding for these students into a district’s general fund.

  5. We just had an IEP meeting. The school said she has Autism, but her grades are good so they exited her out of the IEP program. They said she qualifies for a 504, based on testing, but since she is in private Christian school she can’t have it, but if she were to come back to the public school, they would write it.

  6. This is pretty common for schools to do. A group of school staff must officially make the decision of need.

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