Did the School District Restrain and/or Isolate Young Children with Disabilities?

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In October 2020, the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division opened an investigation into seclusion and restraint against children with disabilities in Frederick County Public Schools (MD).

Lawyers work to draft a settlement agreement outside a courthouse

On December 1, 2021, the Justice Department wrapped up the investigation.

What Did Investigators Find? What Happened Next?

You’ll find answers to these and other questions here.

News Release: (good summary of this case) In Restraint and Seclusion Case, Justice Department Reaches Settlement with Maryland School District to Protect Students with Disabilities from Abuse

Download and read the full text of the Settlement Agreement in U.S. v. Frederick County Public School District

  1. My sons school does this. He is Autistic and moves his feet a lot. Well the teacher has been taping his legs to his chair so his feet are still. I am appalled at this. He is just stimming but the teacher flat out said that he is a distraction to the other kids. Admin supports her along with higher ups. What should be my next step?

    • I am assuming he is being served as a special ed student. I suggest writing the special ed director, if you have not done so. Every state education agency is to have a process to resolve issues between parents, & schools. Your state parent training and information center can help you learn your state rules, and processes. http://www.parentcenterhub.org/find-your-center/

    • That is absolutely not okay! I am appalled with you. There are many other things that can be tried other than physical restraint. Do they have “kick bands” to put at the bottom on his chair so he can bounce his feet without noise. They are also known as fidget chair bands. It offers flexible seating options and maybe he can have a standing desk for a certain period.

      • Thank you. I am appalled as well. I keep trying to explain to the school everything they can do without physical restraints. They won’t listen and feel their way is the only way. We have a meeting scheduled so hopefully we can get this resolved.

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