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  1. I suggest that you send a written request for a special education evaluation to the principal, & special ed director. They must respond in writing within 15 school days. An evaluation must be done by a person qualified to do Dyslexia testing. I work for a federally funded project that helps Texas parents know their rights in working with the school district. Check our website for the person who serves the area you live in.

  2. Im in Texas my child has shown signs of a learning disability since he was an infant such as delayed speech. When he started school he struggled very much and resulted to him hating school so he accumulated quit a few absences from faking sick and from positive flu and COVID test 3 times in one school year. I have asked for him to be tested for dyslexia and the counselor concluded his problems are due to absences and not special education.

    He tested below average on basically everything on the dyslexia test she also verbally said yes he shows signs but this is what we are going with. They also said his scores went up when he didn’t have as many absences like duuuh more work is turned in now but the scores were still no where near where they needed to be and he still displayed the same symptoms. His sister missed as many days as well and dose not struggle remotely close.

    They have asked me to retain him to make their lives easier and I refuse. I have also got him tested else where they concluded dyslexia. The teachers were upset when I refused retaining him. I feel that they are lying about him not having a learning disability because I refuse to retain him. He really really needs the extras help and benefits of having a disability. What should I do?

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