Now Available! New Second Edition – Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments, 2nd Edition

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When a child is struggling at school, you need to find out why.

Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments, 2nd Edition will explain how.

Learn more about the new Second Edition and download a sample chapter on Reading Assessments.

Digital editions for Kindle and epub (for ipad) are available.

What People are Saying ….

Test data is one of the most powerful tools you can have in your tool box. EVERY parent needs this information to effectively advocate for their child.

I love the Test Charts!


  1. Where can I find information with regard to whether or not SLP sessions granted in the IEP can be used for assessment purposes in California? For example – daughter has 45 sessions @ 30 min per year. This year was the triennial year. 5 consecutive sessions (1 per week) were logged purely as Triennial Testing. Is this an “allowed” use of therapy sessions?

  2. I am asking my son’s high school (public) for access to graded quizzes and tests (after all students have taken the quiz/test) to use them as a teaching tool and to do an error analysis so that he can learn from his mistakes. My son is in general education classes. The high school states that they have a policy that no graded quizzes/tests can be taken home due to test security. Is there any precedent for parent/student access to graded quizzes/tests?

  3. My school district is using the test LINKIT on the computer as the district-wide test and having the English teachers counting it as a test. This test can not be modified but I was told as the special education teacher to print the test out and give the special education students the paper copy but those students will remain in class with the regular education students as it is an ICS class. So, to summarize it the regular ed students will take the district test on the computer and the special ed students will take the paper test in the same room. Isn’t this single out the special education students? Please help

  4. The high-stakes PARCC Test supposedly allows speech to text accommodations, but in reality, it is very difficult for a student with this accommodation to use it with PARCC. First, each student must be tested in a separate room from others since talking into the microphone, & this requires an additional test proctor. Second, PARCC does not provide the software for this accommodation; if the student wants this accommodation, they need to provide another computer device that has the speech to text software, and it cannot have access to the Internet during the test (no cheating). What the student records in the speech to text, must be scribed by an adult into the PARCC test after the session. Consequently, very few students who have speech to text accommodation receive it on PARCC.

  5. My daughter is going to have an assessment and the district is using the TOWL-3 and the TOWL-4 is available – what is the law regarding using an assessment tool that is outdated when a newer version is available? The developers have updated their normative data, etc. Is there a window/time when they are to use the newer version versus the old? Thank you.

    • NASP recommends that after a year the newer version should be used; however, I don’t believe the test publishers have a policy. BUT, I would request the TOWL-4 since it has been out for 8 years.

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