How to Get a Good Program and Placement for Your Child!

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The IEP is the “blueprint” the school must use for your child’s program. It all begins with accurate and up-to-date Present Levels.

A good program and placement begins with an appropriate IEP.  If you’ve been keeping up with your Summer School assignments, you know that an appropriate IEP begins with……………?

Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance.

Summer School Homework Assignment: Developing Present Levels

Your homework assignment this week: Create a blueprint for your child’s Present Levels.

Need more information before submitting your form below?

Use the Present Levels Checklist to help you out.

Or, get 10 Tips about Placement.

Homework Assignment. Directions: Make three lists.
(1) Make a list (list #1) of your child's strengths.
(2) Make a list (list #2) of your child's challenges.
(3) Make list 3 (list #3) that builds on your child's strengths and corrects his areas of challenge.
This list should include:
The special education (specialized instruction) and related services your child needs.
Any adaptations, modifications, and accommodations your child needs in addition to special instruction.
(4) Click submit to submit your three lists.

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  1. My 12 yr old has had anxiety throughout elem although I didn’t know what it was and to what extent until start of middle school and she would break out in hives and be almost paralyzed at the fear of going there and facing new teachers and occasionally bullies. Her father and myself thought we could ease her back in school and I spoke w asst principal to let her know why she was missing and in return was supeoned to court. She had testing from counselor we took her to which described her condition but was appointed a guardian ad lite . At school meeting they implemented medical mod but were supp called another. Meeting which was.canceled until after the principal that never was in any meeting failed her. Without IEP we had no say in the fact her emotional well being was more imp than ade

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