Justice Department Settles with Florida District in Class Removals Discrimination Case

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On August 3, 2021, the Department of Justice reached a settlement under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) with Volusia County Schools (Florida) to address allegations that the district punished students with disabilities for disability-related behavior and denied them equal access to VCS’ programs and services through unnecessary removals from the classroom.

Under the agreement, VCS will revise and implement policies and practices to comply with the ADA, particularly those relating to:

     * attendance and removals;
     * discipline;
     * law enforcement involvement; and
     * behavioral interventions and supports.

Volusia Schools will also:
     * provide staff training on the ADA;
     * retain an outside behavioral supports consultant; and
     * establish an ADA complaint procedure and tracking system.

DOJ News Release: https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-settles-florida-s-volusia-county-school-district-protect-students

Settlement Agreement: https://www.justice.gov/opa/press-release/file/1420811/download

  1. My Down syndrome son got placed in a segregated building designated for the severe disabled after being 90 percent included. The school falsified his IEP and listed 13 behaviors to the justify to be removed from the general education. School is retaliating because I helped advocate for other parents to have their kids included who have been confined in that building. I lost my due process case and need a lawyer to help me appeal

  2. Anybody know the lawyer or attorney that won this case I leave in Miami and my son school is doing the same he have behavior problems I get call to pick him up the don’t allow to go on field trips saying for safety reason , also never told me to go with them .

  3. Anybody know the lawyer or attorney that one this case I leave in Miami and my son school is doing the same he have behavior problems I get call to pick him up the don’t allow to go on field trips saying for safety reason , also never told me to go with them .

  4. my grandson’s school removed him from his classes and put him on a 2 1/2 school day because of his behavior issues. Not even addressed in his IEP.

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