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Julie:  My son has made gains in his IEP goals however has not met the goals nor is it to be anticipated that he will meet his annual IEP goals. District called for an IEP mtg to create new goals! My son attends school fulltime except for 2 days where he attends half days as he participates in 6 hours of Intense Motor Therapy. My son requires intensity as he has SCA 28. The new proposed goals are of low expectations and I’m very concerned the academic gap is widening for him. Already 2 years behind academically.

  1. I’m late to this discussion – but have a question. Year after year the school has set unattainable goals for a child – taken from grade-level benchmark standards. The child is fully three grades behind in reading. Severe dyslexia and the school just continues more of the same (not using a structured literacy reading program – although it’s been repeated requested by parents – in a group w 7 other students). Then the school uses the short-term objectives section of their own IEP wrong – and puts annual “real goals” for the child, e.g., more likely attainable – but not challenging – but still not attained for lack of appropriate intervention. Also the school insists the goals need to come from the state standards. So they arbitrarily pick two from instead of addressing the child’s needs. My question is – is that problem w a procedural safeguard? They actually said they know the goals are unrealistic but they have to put them in. Which is obviously misinformed.

  2. We have had similar struggles with our daughter’s IEP. While I don’t have a solution for you, I can tell you the steps we have taken so far. I contacted the state advocacy group and the state parent connection navigator program (which is part of two national networks, the Center for Parent Information & Resources and Family Voices). The head of the Navigator program and head of the Advocacy group have agreed the goals need to be rewritten and are currently discussing which of their programs they think would be best to help our situation since the school is resistant. Both services are free. Your state probably has similar options available that might help?

  3. Julie –

    You can certainly ask the school to write new goals, ones that are challenging yet reasonably attainable for your child in one year’s time. Or you can write new ones yourself, based on the information contained in his present level’s of academic achievement.

    Better yet, you can arrange to have him evaluated. A private evaluation that includes classroom observations, teacher input, and a review of records is optimal. The evaluation should include clear recommendations about how to work with your son. You can even ask the evaluator to suggest specific goals.

    If private evaluation is not an option (it can be pricey), ask the school to reevaluate.

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