A Good Time to Say “Thanks”

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This is a good week to take the time to say thank you to those who are helping your child ——

a wonderful teacher, a positive counselor, a helpful classroom aide, or a thoughtful bus driver.

There are many people working in the system who help you and your kids. We need to do what we can to give them positive feedback.

Too often people who work with us hear complaints but not praise.

When someone does a good job, let them know. Help keep them energized and prevent them from burning out.

You can create positive parent school relationships in just 2 minutes, by writing a quick “thanks”.

If you have a little more time, Special Needs Educational Advisor, Meredith Warshaw gives us advice about how to do more in Preventing Burnout in the People Who Help Us.

  1. Thank you for posting this. As a related service provider, I enjoy reading the postings on this website and learning from parent contributions. Genuine positive feedback is very helpful for those of us who are doing a good job. Fake praise for those not doing a good job isn’t helpful either.
    It might be helpful to have an occasional “the school got it right” posting because sometimes we call parents and request an IEP to add services because it’s what the child needs.

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