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Judi:  I’m new to the special education process, I had a Disposition of Referral meeting Feb 2, I was under the impression I was supposed to receive Written Prior Notice after the meeting in the mail. But, I never received anything, so 8 days ago I emailed everyone on the team requesting copies of any notes and all papers from the meeting with a description of what test/evaluations were ultimately decided on at the meeting and a list of who would be conducting them, because I couldn’t remember what exactly was said at the meeting. And then also called and spoke to a member of the team requesting the above, and still haven’t received anything even though they’ve started evaluations? Does this seem right? Is written prior notice not necessary after the disposition of referral? Any advice would be appreciated thank you

  1. If I understand your situation correctly, the appropriate prior written notice form would be the consent for testing form that needed to be signed before they began testing. It should list tests to be used, but often the form lists possible tests to be used, but not the specific ones or who will give the tests. You certainly have the right to ask for this information. I suggest writing to the special ed director to request this info.

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