When Schools Punish Sick Children Who Miss School: A Game Plan

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From Wrightslaw: After nearly 400 comments, we must close this page to new comments – the blog program cannot accept more text. Since this topic continues to generate questions, I will make a new page with a similar title when I get time. Thanks to all! (09/19/2023)

My child has an IEP. She has chronic health problems documented by three medical specialists and she has a Health Plan. Chronic health problems and medical appointments forced her to miss many school days this year. She made up all her work and has no incomplete assignments. Her grades are A’s and B’s.

The school told her that if she doesn’t make up the time she missed, she will not get credit for these classes. Can they do that? She would gladly give up her sick days for school days.

The purpose of laws that require children to attend a certain number of school days is to deter truancy.

A law that is intended to deter truancy must include exemptions for children who have chronic illnesses or who are injured, not truant. Your child passed her classes with flying colors but the school is threatening to withhold credit for these classes because she was ill and unable to attend school.

Public schools are required by law to accommodate the health needs of students. The plan to accommodate health needs may be called a health plan or a 504 plan. Your child has a health plan but the school is not following it.

Call your State Department of Education. (You will find contact information for your state in the Directory of State Education Departments) Ask about your state’s attendance requirements and exemptions for children who have documented illnesses and health plans. Please let us know what you learn.

I spoke with the state department of education about the school’s punishment of my child for truancy when she has a chronic illness. Because the chronic health issues are noted in her IEP, and because her IEP states she will need special accommodations, her absences are excused. The representative thought our district is just not familiar with the laws that protect students with chronic illnesses.

Thanks for letting us know that you were able to resolve this problem. In our opinion, the school should give your daughter an award for courage and perseverance despite the obstacles she faced.

For readers who have sick children, the American Diabetes Association has prepared excellent model 504 plans and health plans. These model plans can be modified to cover other health or medical problems that affect a child’s school performance. Download the model plan and revise it so it describes your child’s medical condition and needs related to that condition. Consult with your child’s doctor to make sure the plan is complete and covers all your child’s health needs.

To learn more about helping children with chronic illnesses, read My Child Has Health Problems, the School Reports Him Truant by Suzanne Whitney. Sue writes about creative advocacy strategies in Doing Your Homework. Review the legal and advocacy information and resources from the American Diabetes Society. This information is useful in advocating for children with other health problems.

  1. The county has been badgering my wife I for not sending our kids to school when they are sick. We have dr. Excuses for every time. 1 of our kids has a history of rsv. We had the first conference some months ago in which our civil and hippa rights were violated with questions like “do you know when you child is sick” or “how do you know when they are good to go back to school” “are you guys vaccinated “ among other insults.

    We were threatened by talks of being taken to court etc… as you might be able to guess, we were caught off guard. This sounded crazy to me. How can I be taken to court when I have dr. Excuses and valid medical issues going on?!?!? We told them we we are my parents care takers. My father is immuno compromised. We were told to send them to school sick or home school them to avoid any problems. So we gathered all doctor notes documents and when we were about to pull them out of school, both of my kids cried saying they wanted to stay and not be home schooled. So we kept them in school.

    My oldest fractured his finger and was put in a cast. Obviously he had to miss school. The county called again and threatened us with court and set up a virtual meeting that takes place in a couple days. Please if anybody had any advice, help us.

  2. My son turned 18 in nov. He has missed over 50 days of school so far due to issues with a change in medication and flare ups from POTS. RECENTLY WE HAD A CIEP meeting where they determined he would be removed from his current nonpublic school lrogram because of his excessive absences. They told me at this meeting (which was a few days ago) anytime he is out for 10 days or more he requires a drs note to excuse his absences, thats hard to do when you are seeing specialists who dont have appointments available for months. The school was provided with a brief overview written by pne of the drs on his team at the beginning of school with what to expect in terms of tardies and absemces due to flare ups, ect. Im trying to figure out what we can do. He wants to continue his education.

  3. As a nurse and as a parent of a student who had an IEP and a chronic note to allow for occasional lateness, which was then withheld or considered null by a vice-principal, I feel it necessary for parents take a stand against those school administrators who have no idea of medicine, yet consider such students who rather live school, to be truants, as if they have a choice in having certain conditions of ailments which they cannot change. My daughter experienced this and was put in the most awful of positions, as the special education teachers were not helpful. They bullied her and did not help her the way the IEP so specified.

    • What can we do about this!? My daughter( 7) paraplegic and has compromised immune system, first the school she has been going to since she was 3 for pre k, when COVID hit I chose to homeschool her for K, well the”team” in place decided that her knowing how to read and spell her first and last name, basic math, and way above kindergarten level that she needs to do K all over again with them! “Social reasons”. Which is ridiculous, from her first assessments it has been said she is the very most social and outgoing child there!

      Anyways my husband and I just got two letters from the school threatening to send us into the county for educational neglect? She is on IEP, and it’s been known since she was 3 and enrolled in this school that she has a very susceptible and fragile immune system.. and when she catches a cold it can send her into the hospital! So our family in March – April was hit with COVID and then norovirus back to back! They claim we didn’t call her in?? We did! That’s a whole nother story!

      Having a disabled or chronically Ill child is hard enough, devastating sometimes.. and to be harassed in this manner is so depressing and upsetting. I’m up at 3am writing this over my anxiety and adrenaline pumping over worry! I’m at a loss. My child would so gladly GLADLY.. not miss school days. I feel like a failure right now. I wanna do right by her.

      • Why not just put her in a cyber school then? It’s pretty much public school online & you can be right there with her while she learning. You can’t just suddenly decide to homeschool without going through the proper procedures/channels, there are requirements. Cyber school is much easier & the school in your district can’t do anything about it. My son attends CCA & my daughter who is now 22, graduated from there in 2020 & began in 4th grade. Very good school!

        • Mel, I had to close the page about sick children because the blog program cannot accept more text on that page. The topic continues to generate interest so I will make a new page with a similar title so people can continue to share their concerns and support one another. ~ Pam Wright

      • I completely agree and know what you’re feeling. My son has had an iep and a 504 and chronic migraines, when he tested positive for Covid everything flared up, even new symptoms. So bad that I had to finally take him to the emergency room and a Yale neurologist stated he can’t be in school at this time. It’s been since Dec 18 and he’s tried to keep up with work. They keep saying don’t worry and it’ll take a few days for the state pediatrician to sign off and then they keep sending me notes and letters on his absences. They act accommodating to my face and send constant emails.

        The last of which was how many days he’s missed at midnight last nite so I got no sleep. On top of having secured an iep and 504 and constantly speaking with nurses and doctors and specialists needed now and not when they’re available in two months. So he’s getting behind and I can’t send him even if I tried. I have to wait for the school system to send someone or do something. There has to be a better answer. They figured something out during the pandemic extremely quickly. I really don’t even know what to do because by the time he gets approved he’ll be sent back to school before he has had a chance to catch up.

  4. My daughter has Chronic Stage 3 Lyme Disease that has caused her to be violently ill. Then she got Covid and this has set her back ever further. She also has Neuro Lyme and cannot look at a computer screen for long periods, cannot focus on work she is supposed to do because words get jumbled up, migraines, vomiting, extreme lethargy. She is bedridden and vomiting most days and has fallen very behind on Virtual school. She is on 504 plan and school is threatening to fail her in her classes even though she was an A/B student first marking period. How can they do this? They are also threatening to not let her return to in-person school for 4th marking period because she missed so much work. Now she is depressed because of this, feels like a reject outcast who has no friends.

    • Sandra, my 16 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with chronic Lyme Disease. It has been a battle to work with the school on her attendance. I would love to know what you found out. Our school tells me we can not address attendance in her 504. Even though ours is a parochial school that just doesn’t seem correct. I should contact our parent center hub.

  5. What do I do when the school keeps saying on a 504 Plan but actually was not my son had gotten a virus that created ” New daily persistent headaches” and ” pain amplification syndrome” The school has him a quarter behind in his senior year. They keep getting defensive as if they are doing everything they can but not when they wait until he is epically behind. And suggested taking a year off to focus on health or to get his G.E.D. He has a chronic condition it does not go away that developed 2 years ago from a virus.

  6. I don’t have a disease or anything but I’ve been missing school due to chronic vomiting and other health issues. I puked all over a teacher’s shoes today but they sent me back to class because “i don’t have a fever” I’ve been having puking fits for months now and all the doctors say it’s nothing. It could be due to my eating disorder or my anxiety, but even then they won’t allow me to go home. I’ve missed so much school they sent truancy officers two day ago. What the hell do I do? Surely they can’t make me stay if im puking my guts out. Any reply would be helpful. IL

  7. I am currently a Junior in High School. About a month ago I started having acute pain in my upper abdomen. I have been to 3 specialists who are having difficulty identifying the issue. I have been out for 2 whole weeks and this is the beginning of the 2nd semester. I was given a form for a 504 plan but what if the doctors say that there may be nothing wrong? And what could I do about all of the work I have missed?

  8. I’m a senior in high school with A’s and B’s, but sometimes I get VERY bad migraines that prevent me from going to school. My mom isnt able to take me to the doctor much for it, and I’m already on a truancy warning because of these. My school doesnt understand how bad my migraines can be, and sometimes it happens at school, but they never do anything. I dont know what to do.

    • I suggest researching the district policies, & procedures on illness, excused, & unexcused absences. These should be on the district website. You may find something that can help you in making a written appeal to the principal, & to his bosses if necessary. The district 504 coordinator may be of some help. You do not say in you are served by a 504 plan or an IEP, but you do have health issues.

    • Have your doctor write a letter to the school explaining the severity of your migraines and the educational impact they will have. Have your mother request a 504 plan to address your medical needs.

  9. My son is going to a Tx high school and was playing football, the coach was pushing him slightly hard and my son went for a run and another student went for the tackle. It ended up being a helmet to helmet hit, causing a really bad concussion, my son was was being treated from Sept to Dec when he was cleared. He would see the Dr from time to time for pain and follow ups, but in between he would miss days when he started sensitivity to sound and light in the morning, or he would wake up with a really bad headache. Sometimes on the bus he would get nauseous from the movement rattling his brain, or his classes were loud so I would have to pick up early. My problem is, his Dr. did put on his concussion protocol that he may have to miss or be picked up early due to these issues. What do I do?

    • It is not clear if your son has an IEP or 504 plan. If not you can request that he be evaluated for special education services. He may qualify as having a traumatic brain injury. TX also allows homebound services for any student under some circumstances. I work for the TX parent training & information center. Our staff can assist you. http://www.prntexas.org

  10. I have three child with mitochondrial myopathy and other medical problems. All this is documented along with developmental delay of two of them and autism of one of the two. A specialist that we travel too wrote to the school with a list of accommodations the school needed to follow to slow the progression of the disease. Two other drs wrote to them with how important it is for them to follow the accommodations and what the disease is and will do you them.
    All of them have plans but they don’t address the correct or all accommodations. They also don’t follow the plans. I have 2 children that can’t keep up and grades suffer . They miss school due to specialist and illness and pain. The school said my kids don’t belong in a brick and mortar school they also said I needed to find a new dr.

  11. I am a high school student with a health problem not yet officially documented, because doctors are expensive. We got a truancy note even though the absences are excused. Should I be as worried as I am?

    • The problem is that the district, & court will want documentation of your health problems, reasons for each absence. You should study your campus handbook, & district policy regarding the required documentation. I suggest working with the school counselor or someone in the community, to find sources of low cost medical help in your town. If you can show that you are trying to find help that may help in working with the school and court.

  12. so i have a question i am a student at a school where attendance is important i have really good grades and work really hard but my teacher is threatening to kick me out because i have been throwing up for 3 days and i dont have a doctors note saying i have the flu what would you suggest my parents or i to do ? ( she is also the princaple and my parents have tried talking to her about this )

    • Go to school and throw up. Then they will excuse you. Sad to say, but I’m not joking. That’s why my daughter with cerebral palsy stayed sick. I think if you have to have a Doctor’s excuse for a stomach virus or the flu, then the schools should have to pay for it .

  13. My child is totally disabled and has seziures, cp, and a few other health problems and has been out of school alot this year. I just received a letter to be in court for truancy. can i get it trouble? What do i do?

    • Collect all documentation that you have on the causes of the absences, & communication to the school about his absences, & condition., Bringing your child or a video to the court could be helpful in them understanding why your child has been absent.

    • I wrote to my state legislatures and had them right in wording for a “blanket excuse”from a doctor for chronically ill children. When I was advocating for this blanket excuse, I had told them they could go ahead and lock me up because I was normally more worried about what the doctor said than I was thinking about getting a school excuse.

  14. My school district uses my daughter frequently missing school due to major chronic deadly health conditions against her. But I kept asking about is it a law to help me with this? What should your school and district supposed to do and offer ne and my child? They said nothing, she in truancy so now I know they lied and the hearing officers of my 2 due process complaints either doesn’t know the laws or just being on the side of the LRSD district for money because both officers took up and stood by lrsd saying it’s no law. Here it is , so I just sent it to the current due process hearing officer.

    • Many states have laws, & programs for ill students. Homebound instruction is a common program. Research your state rules to see if they have such a program, or others for students with health issues.

  15. My child has been diagnosed with Panic and depressive disorder two years and had missed 10 days. He was placed on medication and We had given the school a paper from a doctor and The school helped him with it. but it has happened again this year and so far has missed 4 days. Is there anything I can do so he doesnt fall behind in school?

    • You can discuss this with the principal or school counselor. If he has an IEP or 504 plan, you can also ask to meet with the team to discuss this.

  16. My 14 y/o son has been inpatient since the 3rd week of school. His medical concerns reached a point where it was necessary to transfer him to an out of state hospital. 6 days before he was transferred out of TX, his school district withdrew him without our parental permission. In fact, they went ahead and withdrew him on the very day they encouraged me to withdraw him prior to his medical transfer, yet I specifically said I was not comfortable withdrawing him until I had met with the hospital’s education dept. By the time I was able to connect with the hospital about services they informed me that our school district withdrew him! They didn’t give us notice! I have emails and a questionable timeline by the school district. I am looking for suggestions as to how to move forward.

    • Legally, they can probably do this, since they knew he would be leaving the district. The key is the enrollment when he is ready return. Appropriate services and supports must be put in place before he comes back. I am with the TX federally funded center that works with parents of children with disabilities. You can learn about us at: https://prntexas.org/

  17. Please help my daughter has an IEP she has missed several days due to medical condition some are noted as excused by a doctor’s note and some are unexcused as no doctor note provided. The school notified the courts of my daughter as a truancy case of a child in need of care! Devistating! I have no criminal record, my child never been in trouble! Gets good grades. family strong foundation, morals, values, attend church regularly, have long term stable employment, ( husband 25 plus yrs owner welding company) I do a few hrs home health, and full time homemaker.Have 26yr old son Lt and decorated pilot USAF, 16 yr old sweet Talia with disabilities. And 6 yr old w/ perfect attendance. Court took custody of Talia. Devastation! Yet placed her in our home still AMEN. How can they do this? Help pl

  18. I am in Pennsylvania, my daughter just received letter for a 504 plan, plus she has ongoing issues due to a concussion. This is all new to me, I’m losing sleep because I’m afraid they will fail her. Her school has what they call DAT so an auto fail for not attending. Can anyone tell me if there is an advocacy organization for parents? I feel I will need a helping hand.

  19. We are in the state of MD. My son is in 9th grade and has a 504 for chronic health issues that are yet to be diagnosed and the extreme anxiety this has caused. He also is in the CHIPS program which makes any absences related to his condition automatically medically excused. I am so appreciative to have these in place. But my question is ..can a teacher request to have a child transferred out of his class to another elective bc he feels that he cannot make up the clssroom participation points ? My son really enjoys this class and would be devastated if he cannot continue. I dont see why he cant do special projects or something. When my son is there he is able to fully participate. I did not think the schools were allowed to exclude a child on a 504 and He is still in PE so it doesn’t make sense.

  20. My 12yr old son has bi polar disorder and was hospitalized for a month due to explosive behavioral issues. He is in an out of distirict placement and the school has failed him in health and wellness due to absences. I live in Massachusetts, just wondering what if any part of IDEA or 603 might support me to request the school not to fail him in this class.

  21. Hi ,
    my 17 year old daughter has a 504 for anxiety. The school was allowing me to send an email giving permission for her to leave school when her anxiety was really bad.
    Today , i sent the email but the person who gets the email was in a meeting. The school did not call me or my husband and they told my daughter to wait until they heard from me or the woman who received the email. Well i was driving when my daughter text me and as soon as I saw it i emailed the other woman. My daughter said she couldn’t wait and knew i gave her permission, so she left the school.Now they want to give her in school suspension.I told them that they would just cause her to have more anxiety. Now they are saying she can’t leave without a parent or guardian to come and sign her out out. should i get a lawyer

  22. okay, so my friend missed 1 day is school and her mom called in and explained that she was in the hospital. but the school still gave her a detention for truancy. and my sister was sick the other day and missed her first day of school, and my mom called in, but she still got a detention for truancy.
    There is always some type of sickness going around the school making people really sick, but they still punish kids for being absent because of the illness.

  23. The link to the American Diabetes Association model 504 plans and health plans is not working. It shows as an error. When I went directly to their site, it brought up insurance plans only. Can you suggest another route to access their 504 plan for chronic illness?

    Thank you.

  24. I think it is a legal absence if you are absent due to post concussion syndrome but my school doesn’t and makes go to urgent care just to get a note for being absent for more than 1 day and they don’t believe what you have to say and think that I am making this up when I notes in the nurses office saying I have post concussion symptoms and I am not cleared for gym. They think I am using that an excuse when I am in such I deep sleep because I am so tired that my parents can’t wake me up.

  25. I have a 17 yr old daughter with NF1, asthma, hypertension, anxiety, depression and brain and spine tumors. She constantly is at one form or another of Dr at Akron Children’s hospital. She applied for the teaching program at TCTC where they were told before she was accepted that she had numerous health issues. They assured us that it would not be an issue they accommodate students with health issues. Now she’s being criticized because she’s missed 26 days of school due to health issues. All the she has Dr excused for. She was told w her iep she could attend their school till age 21 if she chooses to and pick a different program every year. Now being told having someone like her there isn’t fare to other students who could be there everyday in her place. I think its a lot of BS!

    • Robin – Are you connected with your County Board of DD? It sounds like your daughter may be eligible for services. If you are connected, your SSA should be working with you and a parent mentor or advocate from the Ohio Coalition (OCECD): https://www.ocecd.org/ContactaParentMentor.aspx

      Your daughter has a right to stay in school until the day before she turns 22…if TCTC doesn’t like it, too bad – they are a publicly funded school!

  26. Our son has recently had brain surgery. He is attending a few hrs a day as he is able but he is still recovering (it hasn’t been a month since surgery yet). We are in NC. He will have missed most of 4th quarter. Can he be exempt from the final quarter or will he have to retake all classes if he is unable to do the work before the end of the year. He did very well until his surgery, we are now only 6 weeks til the end of the school year. He is in the 10th grade and has an IEP. The school is being very understanding, I just need to know how this is usually handled before our meeting next week.

    • There is likely state and district policy and rules on this. Your district central office or state parent training and information center can help you find and understanding the options for the school and your child. The school should have a homebound program to serve students who are not able to come to school for medical reasons. http://www.parentcenterhub.org/find-your-center

  27. My son got mono a year and a half ago and is having severe complications in which doctors have now diagnosed him with AMPS Amplified musculoskeletal pain syndrom. This has led to him missing at least 30 days in which the state courts have ordered intervention from a Juvenile Officer. I feel like we are now being punished as have to take him to the doctor every instance he misses school just to get a doctors excuse while in limbo with doctors of what to do long term about his condition.

  28. I think that this issue even goes into higher education facilities as well. Most City Colleges have instituted an absentee policy that students can miss no more than TWO classes in a semester and this includes student with disabilities. This violates everything and they were sued for it years ago but found a work around and changed it to participation but now its coming back as absentee. I have students who I work with who get solid A’s on their exams sometimes a B, do all the homework do everything including extra credit but then the instructor fails them or withdraws them due to absences even if its a chronic medical condition.

  29. hello, my son has missed 18 days of school for being sick. we found out that he’s lactose and we are now treating the condition. NJ law you can only be out of school 20 days. he has kept up his grades and even made the honor roll. but the school is calling me in to discuss. I’m scared they will require him to repeat the grade. I cant find anything on the internet about being excused from school for medical reasons is there such a thing? I’m also worried what if he gets sick with something else we only have 2 days to spare and 3 months left of school..
    any advice before I go into the school for a meeting? thanks

    • Many states have policies on excused absences. Try googling excused school absences in NJ for health reasons.

  30. Does my son have an rights or is there any laws to dropping a course late in the school year if he suffers from depression, in the state of Illinois? He’s a senior and the only way out of a course that is thoroughly stressing him out beyond a normal range is to take a withdrawal/Fail? Is there any legal rights that would grant him a Withdrawal (W) on his transcripts??

    • Kelly, each state has laws and regulations governing special education & education. State laws can be different from federal law In some areas. Federal law does not address issues like dropping a class. If this is addressed anywhere, it would be in your state law/regulations. We can’t answer your question about whether your son has any legal rights, except in general terms.

      If your son has an IEP or 504 plan, he may have protections, especially if the IEP or 504 plan provides for accommodations and/or modifications that address his depression. If he has an IEP or 504 Plan, is the school providing the accommodations and/or modifications listed?

      I strongly urge you to request a consultation with an Illinois attorney who specializes in education / special education law. In most places, consultations are not very expensive but will provide you with accurate info about legal righs in your state and how to proceed.

      We built the Wrightslaw Yellow Pages for Kids with Disabilities site that has listings for attorneys, advocates, evaluators, tutors, etc for each state – Go to https://www.yellowpagesforkids.com and click your state.

      The Council of Parent Advocates and Attorneys (COPAA) has listings of their members. Info about their directory is here.

  31. Hi child services are trying to take away my children due to frequent absences from school. My 14 yr old suffers chronic migraines causing her absences. She’s been hospitalized 2xs and in and out of the er alot. I also have an autistic 9 yr old that hates going to school and flat out refuses alot we have been working with school and child services and a social worker to get him to attend. We are also getting him wrap a round service to try to help. The schools report the absences and now cys is taking us to court to remove my kids. How can they get away with this when both kids have a disability?

    • Wraparound should help to educate the other community agencies, as well as Children’s Services about your family’s situation. It should help with both children, even if it is specifically convened for your son. Just be sure to cooperate and take advantage of any of the services they offer. You also need to find out if your son is being bullied. If you know other kids in his class or their parents, ask them…they always know what’s really going on in class, on the bus, in the lunchroom etc.

  32. My child has missed 40 or more days of school because of chronic illness she been seen by several specialties had scoliosis surgery 3 years ago and after has been serving from unexplained abdominal pain every 3 weeks which keeps her out of school at times also suffered from eczema/allergies she’s always catch colds more often and can keep her at home too. I always notify the school what’s going on with her with doctor’s notes. So recently the school social worker call DCF on me now twice I explained show prove but it seems they don’t care just wants my daughter in school. Of course I want my daughter in school please help I’m at my wit’s end what can I do? Do I have parents rights and my child? Need advice.

    • I have a son 14yrs old with an IEP that had suffered a concussion in 4th grade and was out of school for a year he suffers from post traumatic concussion syndrome and hes out with ocular migraines he was recently showing signs of depression and i took him to a therapist and he feels he has traumatic brain injury also agitated depression with suicidal thoughts & my school in NY has called CPS on my son 3 times and have all been unfounded he wants to go to school but the headaches are debilitating and he also has IBS and GERD on top of all this which is all documented to the school and my son has notes from drs going to see a neurologist tomorrow and i feel like i am being harrassed

    • You and your child have many rights and recourse. If your child is covered by section 504 or has an IEP, or other disability you have a number of federal and state statutes and requirements that protect your rights (theoretically). If your child’s attendance issues are a result of effects due to the disabilities, then school may be in violation of your child’s rights as well as yours. It is impossible to provide a thorough answer to your question due to the numerous variables and factors potentially involved. I had a personal experience with school and my sons attendance. He has a 504 plan, documented disabilities, history of frequent absences for illness, doctors, psychiatric, therapists, etc. All documented and legitimate excused absences related to his disabilities. School nevertheless decided that I was a problem due to my advocating, and criticism of school and I complained about a teacher that was acting inappropriate and unprofessional. School reported me for child abuse to CPS 6 times in a 12 month period, all unfounded and closed, school then reported me to juvenile court services two times for abuse/neglect due to truancy for my sons attendance, and generally treated us with disdain, and hostility for 2 years. I eventually filed formal complaints of discrimination, harassment & retaliation by school with my state DESE (department of elementary & secondary education), federal DESE & OCR (office of civil rights). This was a last resort, I had already tried several attorneys, spec ed advocates, state agencies, etc but none could help or wanted thousands of dollars. This resulted in even more backlash and attacks against us. The State and fed investigated, intervened, etc with little result, I can still file law suits in state & federal court, but i don’t have resources. Check out the US DESE, IDEA, FAPE, ADA, OCR Information online, try to get an advocate, hire an attorney, document everything & reach out to any online parent groups for school, contact the school board & school administration and try to resolve the issue, it may be a simple misunderstanding or legitimate concern by school. I eventually removed my child from public school & moved to a different county. Good luck.

  33. My child is OHI. What is a good sample attendance accommodation statement that can be inserted into her IEP? Thank you

  34. If I do decide to homeschool my sister would she still be allowed to go to the career center for extra schooling for health science?

  35. i am a 14 year old high student and i have been getting very sick over the past 2 weeks. my mom works from 8am to 6pm and she has no time to take me to the doctors. i have a iep and health issues including PTSD ADHD asthma and more.my mom is upset because if she does not work she can’t pay rent and we don’t know anyone here really 2 help us and I just moved from NY.i missed 1 day of school but my mom is afraid to let me stay home and rest. I just barely get out of my bed and I keep waking her up with my coughs. if I miss more days of school she can get a fined. I don’t want that and she can’t play rent and a fine. please help if u have advice.

  36. I have a kid that was in pre-k last due to missing days of school and now cause of the hurricane we relocated to a house temporarily he has ADHD ,allergies, asthma,etc he missed so many days of school almost 15 I asked for a transfer to stay in the same school they approved kid and denied the other other for attendance for being sick can they do that he has dr notes for all the days he was absent who do I need to talk to or call about this to get the problem fixed

    • If he is served by special education, or Section 504, you can contact the district coordinator/director for that program.

  37. This did not help me. My daughter a teen was deeply harmed by campus violence drug and sex acts and violent attacks on innocent non drug abusing kids. At school if you dont act like a thug gangster or a drug dealer or a physically abusive violent criminal you are victimized. If you are wearing clothes not approved of by the teens that run the school if you try to participate in class if you are gay bisexual lesbian or transgender if you defend another student being viciously attacked verbally and or physically you then become the mob mentality focus until you feel like you should do what they say and kill yourself. It isnt heard at the school the staff is more concerned about making the campus a place where bad kids wanna be because they dont care at all about the good kids

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