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Ann:  My son was tested last year in 1st grade per my request. He was put on an IEP and gets reading services 4 x30 week. He also went to summer school. He has not made any progress last year and none this year. He is reading at a beginning of Kindergarten level. The sped teacher says she is going to increase his services. Should I get outside testing done?? Thanks so much!

  1. Ann, my son was reading pre-primer in the end of 2nd grade.
    To get him reading the did intense phonics with him. Scientific based program. I wish I could think of the name. I took him in before school and he had reading during school.
    He also went to the Masonic Learning Center. They work specifically with children with dyslexia.
    One other thing that was extremely beneficial was books on tape.
    My son listen to stories constantly.
    It was wonderful for his vocabulary and it gave him the love of literature.
    He was up to grade level in one year.
    Now he is in 11th grade and he reads 4 year college level text.

    Good luck and hang in there. Put your foot down with the school use the law.

  2. It is certainly appropriate & your right to ask for the district to pay for an independent educational evaluation. The report should include recommendations of programs & strategies that could help him learn to read. Also learn what program they are using now, & what other programs they could provide. Your state parent training & information center can assist you.

    • I agree with Chuck; have an IEE done. In the past, we’ve done our own IEEs independent of the school’s IEE just so we had a point of comparison. However, too much testing is not a good thing, so try to limit overtesting.

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