Live Blogging from the Institute of Special Education Advocacy 2013 – Please Join Us!

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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Wrightslaw is live blogging from the Institute of Special Education Advocacy (ISEA) all week. We hope you will join us!

Today’s topics include:

  • Understanding Evaluations, Tests & Measurements
  • Behavioral Issues in Schools
  • Experts as Fellow Advocates / Witnesses
  • Discipline
  • Advocacy for Child in the Delinquency System: Reversing the School-to-Prison Pipeline

Day 1    Day 2      Day 3     Day 4       Day 5



  1. This may sound like a chicken or the egg type of question.

    I have seen data where there is a high number of individuals serving time who have a below average IQ. I have often wondered how our public school’s pipeline is impacting this figure.

    With “The Mathew Effect”, the enviornment and resources can significantly effect an IQ.

    Are the masses in prison due to a lower IQ or is their lower IQ attributed to the educational path their school officials elected to put them on, eliminating other options for their lives?

    Parents need to be aware that the School to Prison Pipline is not just a notion that a paranoid parent dreamed up. It exists and it is utilized every day.

  2. I am really concerned about the school to prison pipeline Mr. Tulman speaks about. He is so right about the districts not meeting academic needs, not complying with IDEA and an absolute disregard for transition plans. Our school district is so openly hostile and they seem to want to provoke the children, like they want them to become disciplinary problems. I wish I was at the seminar. It sounds very informative! Have a great day!

  3. We are teaching advocates, attorneys, and law students how to understand tests and measurements, not to administer and interpret them. There is a big difference.

    It is necessary for advocates, attorneys, and law students to understand basic psychometrics and what tests are designed to measure in order to be effective advocates for children with special needs.

  4. I am not understanding how during a training session potential advocates are expected to learn how to understand evaluation “tests”. I am speaking primarily of intellectual functioning instruments. Psychologists and Diagnosticians take several classes (and a masters degree is required) and many hours of continuing education to accomplish what you say you can teach in a training seminar? I am having difficulty determining the reliability of this.

    • Kristin – absolutely agree about the degree of difficulty of this topic, even though the class is made up of advanced advocates, parent advocates and attorneys, therapists, psychologists, reading specialists, professors, etc. I’m concerned if any of our material indicated it was intended to be taught/mastered in a seminar session. I’d like to change the wording if necessary if you can tell me where your read that information. ~Sue

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