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Laurie: I just found out on Friday of last week from my childs PT that her iep meeting was scheduled for a date next week I can’t be there. I am trying to get it changed but I was told previously a parent is not needed to be present. My question is if they can’t change it and I don’t sign it because I am not present what happens. I am not going to sign it until they have meeting that includes me. I need for than 10 day notice for my schedule . Is it unreasonable. There are no major problems and the school is usually great. I am just wondering what can I do if they hold it without me, despite me saying I can come any other day any other time than what you chose .

  1. My son just turned 18 an it’s his last year in school and I gave my son’s teacher some opinion on rescheduling the meeting and he responded that since my son is of legal age I no longer represent him and he can represent him self in the meeting. What can I do

    • Unless you have gone through the courts and obtained legal guardianship of your son, the teacher is correct in telling you that your son can represent himself. You can ask your son if he wants you to attend the meeting with him.

  2. Schools are required to try to have parents present & find a time mutually agreeable to the school & parent. Let the school know in writing that you are not available on their “proposed” date & when you are available. If you google parent participation on this website, you will get much more information on this topic.

  3. For them to be allowed, legally, to hold the meeting without you, you would have to have been incredibly uncooperative with the scheduling process. So at this point, you should write them a polite email or fax, letting them know that you cannot attend on that date. Suggest two or three times that would work for you (please build in a time lag, because it will take a few days for them to respond). Tell them you need to give your employer 10 days notice in order to take time off. Since this school is usually great, please give them the benefit of the doubt. Sometimes people are thoughtless and inconsiderate — they’re only human.

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