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Gayle:  The school has not been following her IEP & providing audio books. Now she has failed English. Also got denied entrance to vocational schools due to grades (due to not following IEP)

What can I do?

  1. I am in a similar situation. My son has failed Agri science II. I found out after he failed at an IEP meeting that he had 10 missing assignment and failed every test given to him. Never contacted by a teacher or were the assignments shown as missing in my son’s online system.

    Upon further taking it was found out that his goal of planning/organization which specifically address’ the issue of turning in assignments he finds difficult was not being provided. Also, the sped teacher was not meeting monthly with gen ed teachers to assist with teaching strategies if they identified my son struggling.

    He has IQ 73 and is ADHD along with 3 areas of SLD in ELA. No text to speech was provided on his Chromebook which is an accommodation was provided for any of his classes or tests. School feels he didn’t do the work or couldn’t learn the standards and shouldn’t pass. He failed with a 58% which is 2% shy of a passing grade.

    I have a msg in with ADE to see what they can do to help. Thinking of filing a complaint or Law Suite for failure to provide FAPE due to disability.d

    Any other suggestions or where to go for help with this?

  2. You will need to prove what you are saying. An attorney would be a good choice right now to get the ball rolling. You have a right to obtain all records on your child. You may have to pay for the copies but at least you will have them. Once you get them you can get together with a qualified attorney and/or advocate. Once you get this resolved many of these items will go away and your child will be able to participate in anything she wants.

  3. You need to contact an experienced advocate or an attorney to represent you. This is not going to be resolved by continuing to deal with the school. Obviously not complying with an IEP is a major violation. Add to this the fact that she has not been accepted to the vocational school because of her grades makes this even more egregious.

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