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Jaime:  Is there a maximum number of students that should be in a self-contained autism classroom in NJ? I thought it was 6, but there are 8 kids in my son’s class, but the room is set up for 6. I hear rumors of them trying to change the room from an autism classroom to a multiple disabilities classroom. This worries me since my son imitates a lot of inappropriate behavior.

    • Soo I was an elementary teacher in an autism class (3-5) in SC and they had 13 kids in my class, 4 at least who had extreme behaviors, is that legal and where can I reference? Thank you soo much!!

      • You would need to check with the state education agency or your state parent training & information project to see if there are staff to student ratios for special ed classes or classes with students with Autism. Regardless schools are required to provide FAPE which means addressing all of their needs & setting appropriate, & challenging goals. If all of their needs (academic, social, behavioral, self-help) were not being met, they did not get FAPE. It comes down to key administrators realizing this, & finding the way, & money to correct this.

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