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Sandy: What can be done, if anything, about a boy with down syndrome who cannot talk only screams, and goes all day intimidating other students in the class, on the playground, lunchroom, and just about every where. Yesterday, he took his open hand palm and did an upper cut on the chin of a 7 year old girl with down syndrome. When the paraprofessional intervened, he knocked her to the floor, where she injured her back and had to go to emergency care. The Principal indicated that it was really out of his hands because he could not prevent this boy from getting an education. No learning is done in classroom when this boy is present. He continues to get out of his seat, throw his shoes at teacher, (taking the shoes off of other students and putting them on his feet), hitting the other classmates, throwing chairs, the computer screen, and any objects that are not nailed to the floor. Can this boy be removed from this classroom (permanently)? If not, what about the safety, education, and well-being of the other students who also have IEPs. He endangers himself and others.

  1. I JUST went through this in my daughter’s class…I documented everything, spent lots of time in her class (which wasn’t easy and I understand not possible sometimes) I emailed the principal and everyone at the district level….he threw a computer in their class – my daughter is visually impaired so I was a polite, he never went back to class….it wasn’t the right class for him…now he’s in the right place!!!
    Also call your state department of education and fIle a complaint! I don’t care if the district likes me…..they’ve got my baby!!!

  2. The IEP team has a responsibility to address this student’s needs. This includes his behavior. The team should work with other district staff to develop a behavior intervention plan for them.

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