Where Can I Find a Sample IEP Form?

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Are there forms or examples available for 504 Plans and IEP’s? How do I get them?

To provide guidance about how to implement IDEA 2004, the Education Department publishes topics briefs, model forms and other publications and documents.

Model IEP Form

When the IDEA 2004 Regulations were published in the Federal Register, the Education Deparment also published a Model IEP Form.  For special education services, related services, supplementary aids and services, and modifications and supports, the model IEP form requires:

  • the projected date for the beginning of services
  • the anticipated frequency of services
  • location of services
  • duration of services

You will find the Model Forms from OSEP and Guidance on IDEA at https://www.wrightslaw.com/idea/osep.statute.htm

Sample Section 504 Plan and Medical Management Plans

For information about Section 504 plans and sample plans, check the Section 504 page: https://www.wrightslaw.com/info/sec504.index.htm

The American Diabetes Association offers excellent model 504 Plans and health plans. These forms can be modified to cover other medical problems and concerns to meet your child’s specific needs.

Tip: Consult with your child’s pediatrician to make sure the plan is complete and covers all your child’s health needs.


Some medical management plans and health care plans include a broad range of accommodations.  Look at all the items that can be included in a thorough 504 plan.


If your child already has an IEP, you should not need to write a separate 504 plan for additional accommodations. You should be able to include all needed accommodations in your child’s IEP.

This article will help.

Can We Include a Health Care Plan in My Child’s IEP? 

Can We Include a Health Care Plan in My Child’s IEP?

Are all schools required to use the same IEP form?

Not at all. For the most part, schools use a wide variety of formats for the IEP – some computerized, some with drop down menus, some long written forms, some with only check boxes, etc.

That’s why it is so important for parents to be prepared for the IEP meeting. Learn how to ensure everything necessary to meet your child’s needs is included in the IEP.

Use your Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy book.  Chapter 12 – learn about how to write SMART IEPs.  Also Chapter 25 and 26 – about preparing for meetings, meeting strategies, taking and maintaining control at meetings.

These chapters have sample parent agendas and IEP meeting worksheets to help you prepare for the meeting and develop the IEP.

Armed with this information and the Model IEP form requirements, you will be prepared for the IEP meeting regardless of what format your district uses.

  1. I live in California where we have “Special Education Local Plan Areas” that give the state money to the school districts. They also provide guidance to the Districts, but since there is a lot of overlap in staffing this is not as beneficial as it might sound.

    However, they do have posted sample IEP forms, exactly the same ones as they recommend to the Districts and exactly the same as the computerized forms use. In CA you can go to your SELPA web site and hunt around a bit and find IEP forms. You might be able to find a guide as to how to fill them in. Since this is published, it represents the ideal of how it might be done. I have to choke back bitter laughter when I read it.

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