The School is Taking Away My Son’s Para

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paraprofessional aide and student boyMy 4th grade son has a one-one para. He has autism, is easily distracted, and has a hard time staying on task.

The school said since he has no severe behaviors, they will take away his para. The principal said my son didn’t need a “crisis management” para.

Can the school just delete this from his IEP?

Documentation and Data!

You are an essential part of the IEP team that reviews and revises your son’s IEP. The IEP Team, not just the principal, develops the IEP based on your child’s unique needs.

Be prepared when you have your IEP meeting.

Have your documentation ready for the IEP meeting.  If you don’t have documentation, request it!

  • Is there documentation that your son’s para is only for “crisis management”?
  • Is there documentation and data (in the Present Levels) about your son’s needs, weaknesses, why he needs a para?
  • For the annual IEP review, will the updated, accurate, and current Present Levels document strengths that indicate your son no longer needs a para?
  • Does the school have documentation and data that shows your son is meeting his goals, is progressing in the general curriculum in a way that demonstrates he no longer needs a para?
  • Do YOU have documentation and data that shows your son needs a para to progress?
  • Are you documenting everything the school is saying to you and using polite letters to the school to create a paper trail?

Use the search box on any Wrightslaw page and enter these terms.   Learn more about: revising the IEP, aides, paraprofessionals, progress, measuring progress, parental rights, documentation and paper trails.

  1. I think that this is good advice. Parents sometimes are intimidated by special educators and schools because they do not always know their rights. I think it is always important to know what the parents concerns and needs are. I usually speak to the parents about the needs of the student and if I find they may change drastically, the student and the parent usually are forewarned. I’m always communicating and expressing areas for change and improvement.

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