Stop Bullying Now! Free DVD Toolkits Available for Educators and Parents

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On the “Kids” tab you’ll find the webisodes/videos and more games at the “take a stand” link.

On the “Teens – Take a Stand” link, you’ll find the Youth Leader Toolkit.

Check the HRSA Information Center website or by calling 1-888-ASK-HRSA for ordering FREE materials.

The video toolkit is available at the above link.  Publications are free, but you will need to add to cart, enter your mailing information, and it will be sent to you.


The Stop Bullying Now! Campaign is offering a multimedia toolkit to help educate school leaders, teachers, and parents about the dangers of bullying.

The DVD toolkits include animated Webisodes, which depict how students experience bullying and reach safe and healthy solutions; video workshops for professionals in education, health and safety, mental health and other fields; public service announcements; and an instructor’s guide to help teach children about bullying. The Toolkits were developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Health Resources and Services Administration.

Order your free copy of the Stop Bullying Now! DVD Video Tool Kit by calling 1.888.ASK.HRSA.

The Stop Bullying Now! Web site includes lots of free video content, including the 12 animated SBN! Webisodes, Public Service Announcements (PSAs), and Video Workshops for professionals.

All materials on this site are free and are downloadable for your use.

Learn more.

Educators Page

Parents Page

Kids Page

Learn how to Start a Campaign

Download a free PDF version of the Activities Guide, a 12-page handbook of ideas for putting the Stop Bullying Now! Campaign to work in your school or community.

  1. I have tried to download the 12 page handbook of questions and have not been able to downloaded. I thought that maybe because I was trying at work and I was not allowed to download your items. I am at my home computer and not able to downloaded either. I was wondering if you can e mail me the handbook. I work at a middle school and looking for material for my students. Please let me know.

  2. Hi, My name is stefi and i am working on my girl scout silver award and it is going ot be on bullying and we will be hosting an open house on september 13 . was wounder if you could send me some materials to hand out at the open house to help me with my project. Please email me back Thank you , Stefi D troop 386.

  3. Iam unable to download any information or the free videos form your website. The message is that the page is not found and it also said that it may no longer exist or the address is wrong which I clicked on right from your website- . Also for the kids one too.

  4. People don’t realize that there are many types of bullying. My son is 9 years old and is being bullied by students and also by a teacher. I have learned that the school district prefers to protect the teacher, not the child. This makes it hard for kids to open up to the right people — the people they should open up to don’t help so things just get worse.

    They even tell kids “They really like you. They just don’t know how to express their feelings towards you”. Yeah right!

    People need to understand that children live with this as they are growing into adults and they never forget. Too many children are turning to drugs, violence to themselves and others, and sometimes suicide. I will order this package and start a campaign of my own at my child’s school.

  5. My special needs kids needs material that is very easy to digest yet drives the point home. Most of them at no higher than 5th grade mentally but my materials for for the more mature kids.

  6. I need and advocate for an adult Aspergers in Summit county ohio
    I need names and phone numbers.


  7. I read the comments before the story. It was like watching videos of people’s homes and lives being devastated by a raging forest fire… and then listening to emergency management officials proclaim that they’ve invented a new squirt gun that can douse the flames.

    Time and time again, studies have revealed that school based anti-bullying programs fail horribly. If a school wants a prevention program, they should institute a SEL program (social-emotional-learning) in grade schools. Special needs children need special consideration and protection from predatory peers.

    Parents can pick up tips and strategies on how to help their kids deal with bullies on my blog:
    I’ve also put together a free report about the pros and cons of using force against bullies.

  8. In an episode of “The Simpsons”, Nelson, the school bully, is one of the speakers at the Springfield Elementary School orientation.

    This is close to the truth–weak teachers and administrators often develop relationships with bullies as a way of bolstering their authority, and they often use bullying tactics themselves, both in and out of the classroom.

    Anti-Bullying programs are generally short-lived and ineffectual.
    This is often due to the fact that many of the staff who are supposedly fighting bullying actually rely on it. Until this issue is addressed , Multimedia kits will not help.

  9. When my son started vomiting after being hazed at school, I took him to the Police Department and filed a police report. Their juvenile detective is obligated to investigate. The next day I called Children services and filed a complaint that my son was neglected and suspected sexual harassment at school. In Ohio the district is mandated to report all incidents and did not. Summit county children services then assigned a family representative for my son.

    My son received a diagnosis of PTSD which obligates the school to provide Home instruction. This is different than home schooling – they must follow IEP. Whether your children can attend or not, education needs to be accessible and meaningful in my opinion.

    I just gave my district a 10 day notice to removing my son from school for private placement.

  10. Both my special ed children have been bullied at school. The teachers try to help, but ultimately it is what the Vice Principal and Principal will allow them to do. When 4 boys had my son on the ground kicking him in the stomach and back no record or incident report was made. 2 were given detention during recess and laughed and giggled their way through it. Their parents were not notified. They said because it was 2cd graders they would do nothing further. I was the problem. They have been bullied repeatedly for years. Other son was strangled 2 years in a row: bruises on neck, couldn’t swallow. I have pulled them from school and am homeschooling. What else can I do?

  11. We live in OH and my 9 year old was asked to remove all his clothing including his underwear at recess. He has Autism and Fragile X and IEP says he doesn’t know a good or bad role model. He was naked before the recess monitors noticed the group gathering. The principal refused to suspend students that did this to my son. The bullies lost recess for a week and my son is in trauma therapy and medications for PTSD. They don’t even follow the school’s own policy. They even refused home instruction and gave my son, the victim, nothing on his progress report because of unexcused absences. I will definitely call for a bully prevention kit!

  12. I have been in communication with our school board and they were appreciative that I shared documentation and concerns with them.

    You are right. They were not aware of what was going on within their own district.

    Even with the board being made aware of my concerns, Administrators continue to practice bullying tactics that offer no academic improvements.
    They are actively trying to reduce my son’s #20 ranking in the public school that he is administratively enrolled in while attending a private school at the public school’s expense.

    Any time a committee is in charge, No one is actually in charge.

  13. In most jurisdictions, school administrators serve at the pleasure of school boards. School boards members are elected. Many know little or nothing about schools so they rely on administrators for advice. They view parents as uninvolved and indifferent to the workings of a school district.

    Some parents have found ways to get a seat at the table. Some band together in groups over a common interest or issue. Others meet their school board member on a one-to-one basis, preferably over food. “Can we meet for breakfast?”

  14. It still seems that School Administrators are exempt from regulations that prevent bullying.

    This definition describes the School Admins in my child’s school district.

    “A person is bullied when he or she is exposed, repeatedly and over time, to negative actions on the part of one or more other persons, and he or she has difficulty defending himself or herself.”

    There are cases where the perp has fancy initials preceeding their name and is in a position to protect the child.

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