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Bridget:  Are there modifications for a child with an iep taking an advanced placement class in high school? The teacher is not sure how much or if they could modify an AP class. Stating note taking is required for end of the year exam. My son’s tests are not affected thus far as all A’ & B’s on exams. He has an auditory photographic memory as he has impaired vision and fine motor skills, he does use a computer. My son thinks he should drop his AP gov. course with concern for grade reflecting note taking will negatively impact him getting into. i’m concerned with bigger picture if he drops class do to lack of modifications that he’ll feel he can not succeed in college and life too. Thank you for your time and input

  1. I keep commenting and would love to continue to be a part of the conversation but my interestingly, my comments keep disappearing. I wonder why?

  2. The trouble is that modifications change the nature of the AP course itself and is different from accommodations. Is it a matter of accessing the material or is it impossible to pass the class with accommodations? Needed accommodations are one thing, but if the teacher needs to change the basic material the course might be too much for him. I could understand the problem the teacher is facing. The course could lose AP status if the essential structure is modified.

  3. Bridget, this could be my HS son you are talking about. My Son is 2e LD, he has many accommodation. On his IEP he has notes to be provided,extra time,use of tech. reduced work load,seating,books on tape,speech to text, concrete direction repeated as needed and check for understandings,and more. You have to get it put on his IEP. If he is smart enough to be in AP classes and understand the curriculum call a meeting and continue to have meetings until he gets what is needed. Get an advocate that knows the laws of your state and IDEA. And do your home work. You tell that smart kid to stay in that class. A lot of times it is they don’t want more work for the teachers. Just wanted to add all are accommodation not modifications.Ca.

    • I understand and acknowledge the concerns you’ve shared above regarding modified curriculum for IEP entitled students in advanced courses. It’s important to consider SDI and the implications of lowering the rigor of the curriculum (it essentially becomes on level), potentially hindering students’ future academic pursuits. When deciding on appropriate placements for students, we must prioritize preparing them effectively for the challenges of post secondary work.

      It’s crucial to remember that while accommodations and modifications can be made in high school, postsecondary institutions may not provide the same level of support. ** The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the law that provides students with IEPs, no longer applies to them once they graduate from high school. I wonder how many parents know this? Even the military considers the support students with IEPs received in high school. It’s not a definite “no”; but they sure do evaluate how this support impacts their military duties.

      I just really encourage thoughtful consideration when recommending students for advanced placement courses to ensure they are set up for success not just in high school but also in their future endeavors.

  4. Bridget –

    I encourage you to speak with your child’s Team chair before you and your child make a decision about dropping the class.

    If the AP teacher is having trouble understanding how to provide accommodations for your child, the Team chair should help him/her with that (and reducing note taking responsibility would likely be an accommodation, rather than a modification).

    If needed, you can ask that the 4 of you (the teacher, Team chair, you, and your son) sit down to figure this out together.

    Note taking is a skill he’ll most definitely need in college, and AP classes are designed to provide college-like expectations for students. Figuring out how to navigate and accommodate this now will only help him in the future.

  5. I see no reason why notes shouldn’t be provided, even if the AP gov teacher has never done this before. (A college 504 plan can call for a note taker!)

    Sometimes high school juniors and seniors push themselves very hard, and the AP classes start to feel like a hamster wheel that they can’t get off. Perhaps you and your son could draw up two lists, reasons to stay in the class, vs. reasons to drop. This might be illuminating for both of you — you might find out that the material is intrinsically interesting for him (or not!), and this might make the decision easier. But do get the notes accommodation implemented before making the final decision.

    • This should be considered very carefully b/c it depends on the college/university.

      The reason it’s common to get conflicting information out there in the wild is because colleges don’t fall under the Individual with Disabilities Education Act. This means that colleges don’t have to offer the same accommodations to students as what they’ve gotten in high school.

      Colleges are bound by federal civil rights laws, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)(2), which means they’re required to offer accommodations to a student who provides evidence that he requires a specific accommodation in order for him to have equal access to education and to avoid discrimination. This doesn’t mean EVERY accommodation he/she received in high school will be approved.

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