
Lisa:  My son was denied an IEP and 504 plan even though he was medically diagnosed with ADHD and falls into the performance deficit model due to high IQ and low performance in the area of writing in the classroom. After years of asking for support and a full evaluation, he was denied any support.
I would like to write a letter to the school district that I disagree with their decision and would like a new meeting.
I need help writing the letter. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!

  1. Hi, I’m dealing with the EXACT same thing! Did you write a letter? If you have any advice, I would be much appreciative!

  2. Lisa, you do need to write a letter and it needs to be good. Do you have our book, From Emotions to Advocacy?https://www.wrightslaw.com/bks/feta2/feta2.htm
    The last section of the book is about strategies – how to create a paper trail and two chapters about how to write good letters with lots of sample letters that people can use as templates. Two chapters about preparing for meetings and surviving meetings.

    We also have a section on Wrightslaw.com about how to write letters. You need to get someone to help you – after you do a first draft, your editor friends needs to make corrections and revisions and suggestions. The goal is to use facts (not emotion) to write a clear letter about what happened and what you want changed.

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