How do you make change? What type of person or group makes change?
study of human behavior and how small things can trigger an epidemic of change.
Reads like an exciting novel. If you want to change the world for the better,
this book gives you insight into what will work and what will backfire. It's all
in knowing where to find The
Tipping Point.
Truth About Dogs : An Inquiry into the Ancestry, Social Conventions, Mental Habits,
and Moral Fiber of Canis Familiaris
author, and dog lover Stephen Budiansky draws on cutting-edge
genetic research to reveal what really makes your dog tick, and
originality and keen insight, Budianksy offers an unprecedented
look into the evolution and psyche of man's best friend. In
Truth About Dogs, with new evidence from behavioral science,
archeology, neuroscience--and the Dog Genome Project--he probes
the unique relationship between Homo sapiens and Canis familiari.
is more than a book on cross, it's a book on how to build your case. You'll
understand how cross examination dictates case themes, factual analysis and trial
strategies." "Pozner
and Dodd's book gave me tools that any attorney can use to successfully build
my case and cross any witness." "Pozner
and Dodd are great! They teach you how to turn 'their' evidence into 'your' evidence
by using their testimony to prove your case. I urge the trial attorney to attend
one of their day-long CLE seminars." (Pete Wright ) To
order "Cross Examination: Science & Techniques,"click
Take Charge of Your Life!
How to Get What You Really Want Is
it time to make changes in your life? Do you want to turn dreams into reality?
to define goals, identify your strengths and skills, use your
fears, turn your ideas into action. Wishcraft
- How to Get What You Want.
inspiring, practical book by 2 college students: Jonathon has dyslexia, David
has ADHD. The book gives hope to parents and adolescents who are often demoralized
by their public school experiences. Includes many practical strategies that students
can use: notebook organization, note taking, test taking, cramming, reading, and
more. More information about Learning
Outside the Lines.
book is a wonderful antidote to despair. You learn to identify
areas of your life that drain your energy and keep you from achieving
your dreams. She details practical steps you can take to overcome
these obstacles. She insists that YOU are the person best qualified
to set your priorities and decide what you can live without. Isn't
it time to Take
Time for Your Life?
Morgenstern spent years honing principles of organization into a simple, and universal
system. Organizing
from the inside out is about devising strategies based on each individual's
psychological profile. In Organizing
from the Inside Out, she teaches the basics - how to analyze, strategize,
& attack-- then offers tips for organizing offices, kitchens, garages, and
more. Reviews
and info.
for Life: 12 Weeks to Mental and Physical Strength by
Bill Phillips. It's time to take control of your life and your
body! With Body
for Life, you learn to devise measureable goals and objectives
- what a concept! If you have Body
for Life, you'll be prepared to take action.
Harry Lorayne devised a system to strengthen poor memories - a system is
based on visualization. His system works because most people who have poor
memories learn and remember when things are presented visually. Here are three
good books by Harry Lorayne. Try one - just one!
Memory Book by Harry Lorayne and Jerry Lucas. How
to Develop a Superpower Memory: More Money, Higher Grades, More Friends
by Harry Lorayne. Harry
Lorayne's Page-A-Minute Memory Book
Home & Garden
Best Recipe by Editors of Cook's.
Quick Tips by Editors of Cook's Illustrated Magazine.
Exotic Garden : Designing With Tropical Plants in Any Climate
Guide to tropical plants with great advice. If you love tropical plants, but don't
live in a tropical climate this is the book for you. In full-color with beautiful
With Style : Design Ideas from Classic to Cutting Edge
Tested Plants: 30 Years in a 4 Season Garden by Pamela

Greatest Garden Ideas : Tips, Techniques, and Projects for a Bountiful
Garden by Jeff Cox.
Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook by Joshua Piven,
David Borgenicht.
hope you'll never need to build a fire without matches, perform a tracheotomy,
or treat a bullet wound. But as a veteran sailor, Pete says, "You never
know" - you should prepare for the worst. Pete is a big fan of "worst
case scenario books" because they teach the importance of planning and
preparation. More info about The
Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook. |
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Children with Special Needs
By Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Heather McNamara
Raising a child with special needs is a lifelong commitment that is as unique as each person who embarks on it.
Written by a variety of authors who share in this distinctive relationship, Chicken Soup for the Soul Children with Special Needs offers a glimpse into the lives of others who are on a similar path.
We Were Kings
film about "Rumble in the Jungle" between Muhammad Ali and George
should you root for, draft-dodging, personable, funny Ali, aged, and past his
prime? Or, talented, aloof, arrogant George Foreman?
This film starts fast and never slows down. Last 20 minutes is incredible filmmaking.
"This film is a must see for sport fans, cultural historians, and anybody who
loves good movies." More info about When
We Were Kings. Ali's
Greatest Fights. The beauty and grace of Ali speaks for itself. Perfection.
Ventura was a Navy SEAL and pro wrestler. As Jade's dad, he is also the father
of a disabled child. Governor
Ventura of Minnesota may surprise you with his thoughtful approach to politics
and responsibility. Pete says his book, I
Ain't Got Time To Bleed, is a fascinating autobiography.
Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life by Lance Armstrong.
A great all-American
story. A lanky kid from Plano, Texas, raised by a feisty, single
parent who sacrifices for her son, becomes one of the country's
greatest athletes, is nearly struck down by cancer, recovers,
and wins the Tour de France.
Super story about a hero who teaches many important lessons about
life. More info & reviews about It's
Not About the Bike.
Anthology has kaleidoscope eyes--and perceptive ones. Thousands of new
photos, a pleasure to read,
provides the frankest account yet of the band's rise to the top of the pop world
in the 1960s." London Telegraph. Read more about Beatles
is probably the most definitive and best- researched book on the topic of dyslexic
cognition available . . . I found Tom West's accounts of notable dyslexics fascinating
and invaluable. In
the Mind's Eye is a masterful job of research and insight."
insight, sensitivity, and the wisdom gathered through unusually thorough training
and years of classroom experience, Dr. Guyer explains why some educational practices
perpetuate the very problems they are intended to solve." More info and reviews
about The
Get Organized & Stay on Task
& Pam use Palms - can't live without them. We began with Palm IIIs. Pete now
uses the Palm VII, Pam's Christmas present is a Palm IIIc with a great color screen.
Here are 3 cool Palms: Palm
great way to get organized. Versatile. Compact. The Palm
m100 is similar to original Palm III but has a sleeker appearance.
love my Palm
IIIxe. It's the only thing that keeps me from buying a notebook. It does
everything I need - I can keep up with E-mail with an optional modem, keep track
of all appointments, all contacts -- and keep hundreds of memos neat and organized
- and thousands of 3rd party software solutions.
IIIxe is more than an organizer - it's a complete handheld computing platform.
fun! I've owned my color
Palm for several months, and had intensive experience with several Palms.
The Palm
IIIc is the most fun Palm out there.
Having color is great! Screen brightness is fantastic. 8 megs of RAM gives
you plenty of room for programs and data. I have over 100 programs and utilities
loaded and still have about 1.2 megs left.
& reviews of the Palm IIIc.