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Summer School for Advocates 2009

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Welcome Summer 2009! On this page you'll find our summer refresher course in effective advocacy - Summer School for Advocates.

If you are the parent of a child with special educational needs, you need to develop and hone your advocacy skills. If you are a teacher or special ed service provider, you may want to fine-tune your advocacy skills on behalf of your students.

Whether you are a parent advocate, teacher advocate, or professional advocate, you need to become an expert on the child, the child's disability, understanding evaluations, understanding the laws, and knowing where to find experts when you need to consult one.

Part 1

Advocacy 101

Happy AdvocateAn advocate performs several functions:

  • Supports, helps, assists, and aids
  • Speaks and pleads on behalf of others
  • Defends and argues for people or causes

Good special education services are intensive and expensive. Resources are limited.To prevail, you need information, skills, and tools.

If you have a child with special educational needs, you may wind up battling the school district for the services your child needs. Learn more about basic advocacy skills...gathering and organizing information, planning and preparing, documenting, problem solving.

Part #1: Advocacy 101

Let's get started! Find this week's assignment.

Part 2

IDEA and NCLB Rights & Responsibilities

Advocate and booksDo you:

  • know how IDEA 2004 creates a higher standard for a free, appropriate public education (FAPE)?
  • understand how you can use requirements in NCLB to obtain better services for your child?
  • know why research-based instruction is so important to your child's special education program?

Learn how to use IDEA, NCLB, and state academic standards to get schools to provide the programs and services a child needs. You'll also learn what the law requires and where to find it.

Don't miss the special ed legal and assessment terms review and Vocabulary Quiz

Part #2: How to Use IDEA & NCLB to Improve Your Child's Special Education Program

Part 3

Measuring and Tracking Educational Progress

Bell CurveDo you know:

  • standard test scores
  • percentile ranks
  • subtest scores
  • age and grade equivalents on recent evaluations

There's no way around it. To be an effective advocate, you must learn how to measure educational progress.

Learn how to use information from tests to track a child's progress. You will also learn about the bell curve and how to use your child's test scores to create powerful progress graphs.

Take the Bell Curve IQ Quiz

Part #3: Measuring and Tracking Progress

Part 4

Test Your Knowledge of Special Education Law

Student taking testAdvocates read special education laws, regulations, and cases to get answers to their questions.

Advocates know legal rights. Advocates know the procedures that parents must follow to protect their rights and their child’s right to a free, appropriate public education.

Review important caselaw, complete some practice questions, then test your knowledge with the special education law final exam.

Part #4: Test Your Knowledge of Special Education Law

Part 5

Championing Children - Advocates in Action!

people clapping for school successWhat will you do this year to improve the educational outcome of a child?

Will you educate yourself? Become a more knowledgeable, stronger advocate? Help others learn how to advocate? Serve on your PAC or state panel? Start a group for advocacy study or parent empowerment? Participate in Wrightslaw advocacy training?

Find action strategies for advocates helping children with disabilities - their families, teachers, and service providers - by providing resources, accurate information, and support in this issue.

Part #5: Here is your advocacy challenge - Championing Children!

Summer School for Advocates CertificateHere's your Summer School for Advocates Certificate


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Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 3rd Edition, by Pam and Pete Wright
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Wrightslaw: From Emotions to Advocacy, 2nd Edition
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Wrightslaw: All About IEPs
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Wrightslaw: All About Tests and Assessments
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Wrightslaw: Special Education Legal Developments and Cases 2019
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Surviving Due Process: Stephen Jeffers v. School Board
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