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IDEA 2004 News
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IDEA Regs Expected Soon, Maybe This Week! The Office of Management and Budget approved the IDEA 2004 regulations on Thursday, July 27. Learn what happens next. (08/01/06)

Coming Soon? IDEA 2004 Regulations Under Review
- Department of Education sent final special ed regs to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), the last step in the process.
We understand that the regulations may be published in early August. What burning questions do the regs need to answer? (06/08/06)

Update on the IDEA 2004 Regulations - The IDEA 2004 regulations, originally on a fast track, have been plagued by unexplained delays. (05/02/06)


Lessons from Public Hearing on Proposed IDEA 2004 Regulations
- Pete gives a blow-by-blow description of the public hearing in Washington, DC - the speakers, testimony, hot button issues, and his impressions of what is needed now. (07/12/05)

Proposed IDEA 2004 Regulations: Testimony by Pete Wright - The text of Pete Wright's testimony at the Public Hearing on Proposed IDEA 2004 Regulations (NPRM) in Washington, DC; focuses on 60 day timeline from (07/12/05)

Special Offer on Wrightslaw: IDEA-2004 - Wrightslaw: IDEA 2004 is available as a print publication and as an e-book. People who order the E-book & Print Combo between Tuesday, June 28 and Friday, July 15 will receive a "$10 Off Coupon" that may be applied to the purchase of Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition. (06/28/05)

Proposed IDEA Regulations Reformatted, Available from Wrightslaw
- The proposed special education regulations published by the Dept of Education on June 10 were 652 pages long. To make these regulations less cumbersome, intimidating, easier to print, read, and understand, we reformatted the document into two shorter files. Proposed IDEA Regulations (97 pages) and Explanations & Commentary (65 pages). (06/12/05)

How to Submit Comments - The Dept of Education explains how to submit comments during public meetings and in writing. Please read pages 1-2 in Explanations & Commentary for specific instructions, addresses, etc.

Dept of Ed Issues Draft of Proposed Regulations
- Dr. Troy Justesen, acting director of the Office of Special Education Programs, announced that a draft of the proposed regulations to implement IDEA is available to the public. The first public meeting is scheduled for Nashville on June 17 (schedule of public meetings) (6/10/05)

Proposed IDEA 2004 Regulations: Schedule of Public Meetings
- U. S. Dept of Ed announced a schedule of public meetings in seven cities after the IDEA 2004 regulations are published in June. The purpose of these meetings is to get input on the proposed regulations. (6/1/05)

Proposed IDEA Regulations on Fast Track, Expected in Early June - In a wide-ranging interview, Dr. Troy Justesen, Acting Director of the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), advised that he expects the proposed Regulations for Part B to be published in early June. He describes the process for public comment, timelines, and issues that have elicited concerns. (5/18/05)

Draft Regulations, Schedule of Public Meetings for Comment on IDEA 2004 - The Council of Parent Attorneys & Advocates answers reader's questions about IDEA implementation issues. (04/07/05)

IDEA 2004 Regulations: Public Comments & Meetings - U. S. Department of Education requests public comments; announces public meetings in several cities in early 2005. (1/3/05)


President Signs Reauthorized IDEA - On December 3, 2004, the President signed the reauthorized IDEA into law. The signing ceremony was attended by members of Congress and officials from the Department of Education. (12/3/04)

Conference Committee Votes on IDEA Reauthorization: The Inside Story
by Jess Butler. Parents, advocates, attorneys, and children with disabilities attended
the House-Senate Conference Committee meeting. Learn the inside story about compromises, how members voted (and why). (11/18/04)

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E-book ($9.95)
Print ($14.95)
E-book & Print Combo

Wrightslaw: IDEA 2004

Wrightslaw: IDEA 2004 (ISBN: 1-892320-05-3) by Peter Wright and Pamela Darr Wright includes the full text of Parts A and B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA 2004) with commentary, cross-references, strategies, and resources.

The book includes several appendices, a glossary of acronyms, abbreviations and terms, and a bibliography of resources.

Table of Contents
Skim Book - few pages from each chapter
News Release
Author Bios

Wrightslaw: IDEA 2004 is available as a print book, an e-book - or both.

Print publication (168 pages, 8 1/2" x 11", perfect bound, $14.95 plus shipping).

(162 pages, 8 1/2" x 11", $9.95). When you purchase the e-book (PDF format), you can download it within minutes. You can read it on your computer or print it out on your printer. There is no shipping or sales tax on e-books. Learn more about e-books.

E-book & Print Combo: Receive Wrightslaw: IDEA 2004
as an e-book immediately and the print edition by Priority Mail in a few days ($19.95 plus shipping)

Wrightslaw: IDEA 2004 is designed to meet the needs of parents, teachers, advocates, attorneys, related services providers, administrators, teachers of special education, school psychology, and education law courses, hearing officers, and employees of district and state departments of education. NOTE: This book is now out of print.

A Note About Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition
We expect to publish Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, 2nd Edition after the Education Department issues the final IDEA 2004 regulations. The regulations have been delayed and are not expected until August 2006 or later.

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