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Advocacy & Leadership Training:
Partners in Policymaking

Advocates for children with disabilities often neglect to forge alliances with like-minded individuals in their own communities.

One way to get advocacy training is to participate in the Partners in Policymaking program. Partners in Policymaking programs teach participants how to network and share resources.

Leadership Training

Partners in Policymaking provides leadership training for parents of children with disabilities and people with disabilities. Participants attend advocacy skill workshops, resource development, and leadership skills training.

Sessions take place over a period of several months so participants must be willing to make a commitment of time, motivation and energy. Expenses for training, lodging, meals and travel are provided through the program. Overview of Program

Partners programs are available in most states and several countries. If you have questions about your state's Partners' program, contact Your State Coordinator

E-Learning: Online Courses

Note: There is no cost or registration for the courses. These e-learning courses are available to everyone. All e-learning courses are web based and self directed.  Each course can be accessed directly from the Partners in Policymaking website or click on the links below.

Partners in Time is an eight-hour self-study created to help people with developmental disabilities, their parents, family members and friends, educators and service providers understand the history of society's treatment of people with disabilities from ancient times through the present. The course focuses on the way that people with disabilities lived, learned and worked throughout history and growth of the Disability Rights Movement. Take the Course

Partners in Living is a seven-hour self-directed e-learning course created to help people with developmental disabilities, their parents, family members and friends, educators and service providers understand the important concepts of self-determination, family support, community living and assistive technology. Take the Course

Partners in Education is a three hour self-directed course created to help parents of children with developmental disabilities understand and maximize the special education system. The course focuses on a child's right to a free appropriate public education, the laws that protect those rights and offers practical ways that parents can ensure that their children benefit from an inclusive education. The course has been updated to reflect IDEA 2004. Take the Course

"Making Your Case" is a three-hour self-directed course on how to communicate with public officials by effectively telling your story, writing a letter, providing testimony, and communicating in positive ways. Take the Course

"Partners in Employment" is a six hour self-directed course on how to find a job, write a resume, participate in an interview, and plan for your career. Take the Course

VA PIP 2011

videoPartners in Policymaking Class of 2011- Training Advocates to Step Up to Leadership Roles.

"Thank you for your inspirational & practical presentations during our class in Richmond PIP. Here, I put together everything I've learned from PIP advocacy program from VA Board for People with Disabilities this past year along with help of some dedicated friends & community members."

Revised 09/12/17

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