Understanding Dysgraphia

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In This Issue . . .

Circulation: 75,469
ISSN: 1538-320

Dysgraphia is a specific learning disability that affects how easily children acquire written language and use it to express their thoughts.

Dysgraphia can be diagnosed and treated. Too often children are thought to be lazy or unmotivated if they have poor writing skills or fail to complete writing assignments, when the real problem is dysgraphia.

In this issue of the Special Ed Advocate you will learn about dysgraphia, the importance of assessment and intervention, and find some effective instructional strategies and activities.

Please don't hesitate to forward this issue to other friends, families, or colleagues.

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Understanding Dysgraphia

Do you have a child who has difficulty with spelling, handwriting, or written expression? Does your child have dsylexia or other oral language problems. Could dysgraphia be part of the problem?

Learn more about assessment, early intervention and treatment, and appropriate accommodations in Understanding Dysgraphia.


Getting Help for Dysgraphia

"My son has dysgraphia. The school isn't helping him with these issues. How can I find a tutor who can help? How can I educate the educators?"

If your child has dysgraphia - or dyslexia, dyscalculia (a learning disability in math), another learning disability - here's where to start. My child has Dysgraphia: How can I Find a Tutor?

For more information about dysgraphia go to Reading at Wrightslaw: Writing.


Pete Wright's Struggle with Dsygraphia

As a child, Pete's reading and writings were filled with reversals. He had what was called 'mirror writing'. In the early 1950's, the teachers told his parents he was borderline mentally retarded and definitely emotionally disturbed.

By chance, he was evaluated by a family friend. As a result of testing, they discovered he had strephosymbolia - what we now call dyslexia and dysgraphia.

Read about Pete's misdiagnosis and remediation in On the Record about Special Education with Pete and Pam Wright.


From The Wrightslaw Way

On the blog, Carol comments, "The diagnosis that qualified my son under IDEA was ADD through the OHI door. However, he also has dysgraphia & dyscalculia, so I wanted academic goals in the IEP to address writing, spelling and math. School told me the IEP could only address the qualifying disability...

Can More Than One Disability be Listed in an IEP?


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