
The Special Ed Advocate Newsletter
October 23, 2003

Issue -
ISSN: 1538-3202
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In this Issue

Two New Pubs from USDOE

Doing Your Homework - What Can One Person Do?

LD Advocates Guide

IDEA: Eliminating Short Term Objectives?

Reading: Legal Definitions

NCLB - How Is Your State Doing?

Join Pam and Pete in MS, VA, NY & OK

New Yellowpagesforkids.com

Subscription and Contact Info

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At Wrightslaw, our goals are to help you gain the information and skills you need to navigate the confusing world of special education.

Highlights: Two new publications from USDOE, What can on person do?, LD Advocates Guide, IDEA: Eliminating Short Term Objectives?, Reading: Legal Definitions, No Child Left Behind - How Is Your State Doing?, Join Pam and Pete in MS, VA, NY & OK, New service from Wrightslaw - yellowpagesforkids.com

Download newsletter in html: https://www.wrightslaw.com/nltr/03/nl.1023.htm

The Special Ed Advocate
newsletter is free - please forward this issue or the subscription link to your friends and colleagues so they can learn about special education law and advocacy too. We appreciate your help!

1. Two New Publications from U.S. Department of Education

A Toolkit for Teachers tells about the No Child Left behind Law, Expanded Parental Options, current requirements, training opportunities, financial incentives, liability protection, loan forgiveness, tax relief. It contains a Frequently Asked Questions section about information that teachers may be most interested in. It also includes a list of websites and publications that will lead you to more information.


Using Data to Influence Classroom Decisions is a tri-fold brochure for parents, teachers, school board members and taxpayers.


2. Doing Your Homework - What One Person Can Do

The last two issues of The Special Ed Advocate had articles about what one person can do. But realistically, what can one person do? Isn't it expensive and time consuming to make any real changes? Don't you have to know an awful lot before you can teach others? Don't you need some kind of a base to start from?

I don't think so.

With very little time and absolutely no money, you can bring current, official, accurate information about law and education to large numbers of people. There is a catch --

  • you need to have a free hour maybe two
  • It also helps if you have a few friends

If you watched television last week, you qualify as a person who has a free hour. The next time you are ready to sit down to watch television, go to your computer instead.

1. Go to The Teachers Toolkit and print pages 49-53 (or, if you want to save 4 sheets of paper, write down the titles on one sheet of paper).


2. Then go to www.edpubs.org. Using your list of publications from above (pages 49-53 of The Teachers Toolkit), enter a title in the order box. Order the maximum number of free copies of these publications.
Tip: The maximum for most publications is from 1 to 30 copies

Order as many free copies as you are allowed. Most items will be shipped in 3 days.

While you are there, click "Top 10 Publications" and "Recently Added Publications" in the left hand column and order other publications that interest you.

3. Read the publications. Distribute them to teachers, parents, school administrators and school board members. Ask your local public library if you may leave a stack of publications there for others.

You can save a step by having publications shipped directly to another recipient. For example, if you are ordering copies for your school or public library, you can have the publications shipped directly there. If you do this, contact the person who will receive them and let them know to expect them.

The next time you come across a U.S. Department of Education publication that interests you, go to www.edpubs.org, order copies and distribute them. Tell others about this resource.

Remember this the next time you have a free hour.

Do this the next time you feel powerless.

3. LD Advocates Guide

The National Council for Learning Disabilities has published an "LD Advocates Guide"



The "LD Advocates Guide" gives step-by-step information about how to be an effective advocate for change. Read about getting started, working with policymakers, working with the media, writing letters to the editor. Learn how to take small steps to accomplish larger goals.

There are 6 million parents of children with disabilities in the United States. What would happen if 6 million people did something every week to make the system better for their children?

Got an hour?

4. IDEA: Eliminating Short Term Objectives?

Short term Objectives are a main component of an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Short term objectives break down the child's educational program into measurable increments.

And short term may be a thing of the past if you do not write to Congress today.

Read about the proposed changes to IDEA.


Don't miss this opportunity to make a difference.

5. Reading: Legal Definitions

When you talk about reading or reading programs at an IEP meeting are you using the current legal definitions?

Learn about the legal definitions and the current national standards for reading programs for all children in Four Great Definitions about Reading in NCLB


6. No Child Left Behind - How Is Your State Doing?

Is your state in compliance with No Child Left Behind? How does your state compare with other states?

The Education Commission of the States is keeping track. You should be keeping track, too.


7. Advocacy Training - Join Pete and Pam for an Advocacy Training Program (MS, VA, NY, OK)

"Your boot camp was the most useful CLE I've ever attended. CLEs are notoriously boring and unpleasant. Your program was neither and I learned a lot, even as an experienced practitioner in the field." - Rob Mead, KU Wheat Law Library

Wrightslaw training programs focus on four areas: special education laws, rights & responsibilities; how to use the bell curve to measure progress & regression; SMART IEPs; and tactics & strategies for effective advocacy.

November 7-8: Jackson MS (Last Boot Camp in 2003!)

November 12, Northern VA

November 15: Syracuse NY

December 6: Oklahoma City OK

For more information about these events and programs that will be held over the next few months, please check our Seminars & Training page.

If you are interested in learning how to get Pete & Pam Wright to your community, please read our FAQs about Seminars.

8. New Service From Wrightslaw! - yellowpagesforkids.com

We built the Yellow Pages for Kids site so people can get reliable information and support. Your state Yellow Pages includes many resources - government programs, grassroots organizations, and parent support groups.

The Yellow Pages for Kids was originally offered on fetaweb.com. We decided to build a website specifically for the Yellow Pages for Kids.

When you visit your state Yellow Pages, you will find many different resources - government programs, grassroots organizations, and support groups. You will also find evaluators, therapists, tutors, special ed schools, and parent support groups.

To get the word out about the state Yellow Pages for Kids , Debra Pratt, of Wrightslaw, designed flyers for each state.


State Yellow Pages flyers are in pdf so they are printer-friendly.

The Yellow Pages for Kids are a free service - there is no charge to be listed.

To find out how you can submit an application to be listed,
send us an email to app@yellowpagesforkids.com

You will receive a automated response by email with directions about how to request a listing.

9. Subscription & Contact Info

The Special Ed Advocate is a free online newsletter about special education legal and advocacy issues, cases, and tactics and strategies. Subscribers receive "alerts" about new cases, events, and special offers on Wrightslaw books.

Law Library - https://www.wrightslaw.com/law.htm

Advocacy Library - https://www.wrightslaw.com/advoc.htm

Free Newsletter - https://www.wrightslaw.com/subscribe.htm

Newsletter Archives - https://www.wrightslaw.com/archives.htm

Seminars & Training - https://www.wrightslaw.com/speak/index.htm

Yellow Pages for Kids - http://www.fetaweb.com/help/states.htm

Contact Info

Pete and Pam Wright
Wrightslaw & The Special Ed Advocate
P. O. Box 1008
Deltaville, VA 23043
Website: https://www.wrightslaw.com
Email: newsletter@wrightslaw.com

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